
MATH8811-01, Spring 2024

Complex Analysis

MWF 10-10.50 am Maloney 560

Instructor: Martin Bridgeman      Office: Maloney 547         Tel: 552-3770             Email:

Office Hours: TBA,  or by appointment.

Prerequisites: MT8808 Geometry/Topology I,  MATH 8810 Real Analysis.

Textbook: None, Lecture notes will be distributed to the class. A standard reference is Lars V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, 3rd Ed.

Class website:

A website has been set up for the class here. This will be updated with homework assignments and other class information. 

Academic Integrity:

Students are to abide by the University Policy on Academic Integrity. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves and understanding the policy. The policy is described in detail on-line at here.


Assignments will be given regularly and posted on the class website.  All assignments are to be submitted in LaTeX.


There will be a midterm and final. The midterm will be Monday March 18 . The final exam will Monday May 13.

Grade System:

30% Midterm 

30% Assignments

40% Final

Course Description:

The course will cover the following topics;   

The course will cover material roughly equivalent to chapters 2, 4, 5, 6 of Ahlfors as well as some other topics. This will include complex differentiation, Mobius transformations, Cauchy integral theorem, maximum modulus theorem, Schwarz-Pick theorem, calculus of residues, normal families, Picard theorem, univalent maps, the Schwarzian derivative, analytic continuation, the Riemann mapping theorem, Riemann surfaces and hyperbolic geometry.