Joshua Evan Greene
Boston College Department of Mathematics
Office: 527 Maloney Hall
Fax: 617-552-3789
Phone: 617-552-1007
Email: (but with the obvious letters in place of numbers)
I work in low-dimensional topology, which has to do with the properties of shapes we can (nearly) visualize. My work draws on techniques from combinatorics, which has to do with the properties of discrete structures, and from symplectic geometry, which is the mathematical formalism for describing classical mechanics.
This wonderful video by 3blue1brown describes the Toeplitz Square Peg Problem and mentions my joint work with Andrew Lobb (December 2024). This popular article in Quanta magazine describes this work in a little more detail (June 2020).
I wrote a survey article on Heegaard Floer homology for the Notices of the American Mathematical Society (January 2021). It was awarded the 2023 Levi L. Conant Prize of the AMS.
I am an editor at Journal of Topology and Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica: Combinatorics, Geometry and Topology.
My papers on the arXiv.
Slides (and some videos) from talks
The square pig problem. Yellow Pig Math Days Plenary Lecture, Hampshire College. July 15, 7*17*17.
The rectangular peg problem. Princeton University Department Colloquium. September 23, 2020. Video link.
Loops intersecting at most once. LA Joint Topology Seminar, Caltech. March 9, 2020.
Floer homology and Dehn surgery. 30 years of Floer homology for 3-manifolds, Casa Matemática Oaxaca. August 1, 2017. Video link.
Perspectives on Dehn surgery. Texas Geometry / Topology Conference, University of Texas, Austin. November 17, 2017.
Trees and Numbers. Navajo Nations Teacher Workshop. March 6, 2021 (not 202, as misdated on the actual slides...).
I maintain the pages for current and past graduate courses I have taught.
Fall 2024: Topology of Lagrangian submanifolds.
Spring 2022: Knot homology theories.
Fall 2021: Algebraic topology.
Spring 2021: Symplectic geometry and pseudoholomorphic curves.
Spring 2019: Combinatorial methods in low-dimensional topology.
Spring 2018: Graduate combinatorics.
Fall 2015: Introduction to knot theory.
Spring 2013: Combinatorial methods in knot theory.
The Boston Graduate Topology Seminar
This google calendar reports what is happening in topology seminars across the Boston area.
Summer School and Book
I organized a graduate summer school entitled "Perspectives on Dehn Surgery'' at ICERM during the dates of July 15-19, 2019. The link will take you to video and other materials from the event, and a book based on the lecture series is in the works.