Lab Mission Statement

Welcome to the Lab!

Central goals of the lab team

  • To do quality science

  • To develop the research skills of each lab member

  • To maintain a collegial, inclusive, and intellectually-stimulating environment

As the leader of the team, I will provide the mentorship and training needed to help you develop your research skills. To accomplish this goal, it is important that we establish effective communication and align expectations with each other. This document provides a framework for communicating the culture of my lab, and how you and I will work together to further your scientific and intellectual development. Please note that this document is not a substitute for university rules and regulations, and that those policies and any legal requirements supersede anything in this document.

What you can expect from me

  • I will set the scientific direction for the lab and provide the means to pursue those directions. This will include helping you to find a research topic, writing grants to fund the research, and maintaining the necessary university protocols for us to utilize the laboratory.

  • I am committed to mentoring you now and in the future. I am committed to your education and training while in my lab, and to advising and guiding your career development. I will work to promote you and your work.

  • I will provide you with opportunities to communicate your research to others, which will enhance your research and your ability to pursue positions after your time in my lab ends.

  • I will be available for regular meetings and will provide timely review of research. In addition, I will do my best to provide an open door policy and respond quickly to e-mails, but please be aware that there will be times when I will be unavailable due to other obligations. For small data questions, I will generally be able to respond within 24 hours, and for drafts of papers or job applications I will need 1-2 weeks.

  • I will provide a work environment that is intellectually stimulating, supportive, safe, and free from harassment. I take seriously any difficulties you experience in relationship to this statement, so if there are any conflicts then please inform me and we will work together to find a resolution.

What I expect from you

  • You will take ownership of your educational experience. I expect lab members to be genuinely excited about their research, and take the initiative to identify and execute actions that will maximize their experience.

  • You will keep me updated on your research progress and challenges, and respond to questions in a timely manner.

  • You will contribute to the lab and be a good lab citizen. This applies to keeping the lab neat and organized, being an active participant in lab meetings, and also to being supportive toward other lab members. Science is a community - many people will help you along the way and you should return the favor.

  • You will keep detailed notes on your research activities. These are essential for communicating your progress to me, and for translating your hard work into a presentation, manuscript, or thesis.

  • You will need to determine the requirements for your individual program (e.g., undergraduate research credits, fellowship, senior thesis) and be responsible for insuring that you are in compliance.

  • You will develop your writing and presentation skills. Communication of your research is important because you receive valuable feedback, and it will also be useful when applying for positions in the future.

  • You will work safely in the lab (if doing wet bench work). Before beginning in the lab you must complete safety training and will be expected to renew that training as needed. You will follow all safety procedures defined in our lab protocols and immediately communicate any safety concerns to me.

  • You will be polite, neat, and gracious when working in the labs of other investigators. Always follow their rules. If something breaks during your use, report it immediately to the appropriate person.

  • You will be respectful, tolerant of, and work collegially with laboratory colleagues (i.e., respect individual differences in values, personalities, and work styles).