Letters of Recommendation

Asking a person to serve as a reference for a job or graduate school program is a serious proposition. You are asking this person to take time and energy to provide the reference, as well as use their position and reputation to vouch for your skills and potential as an employee or student.

I take the role as a reference very seriously, and spend considerable time developing a detailed and personalized letter. Keep in mind that the quality of my reference is positively correlated with the quality of our interactions. That is, if we have had no or minimal personal interactions then I have a limited ability to write an effective reference. 

I expect the following from students requesting a reference from me at least two weeks before a written reference is due. Optimally, we would schedule a meeting to go over these materials in person (particularly if you are asking for a Pre-Health Letter of Evaluation).

To facilitate passing this information to me, I request that you fill out this Google Form. If you are applying to multiple positions/programs and need multiple letters then please fill out a separate form for each position.

DaCosta Letter of Recommendation Google Form - Spring 2024

In addition I also request:

For additional details on how to interact with and manage your references, I recommend listening to this podcast: Manager Tools: Sharing your References.