MT 32001: Introduction to Analysis

Lectures: MWF 2:00 pm-3:00pm in Carney 202

Instructor: Dubi Kelmer, Carney 268. Email address:

Office Hours: W 3-4pm and WF 10:30-11:30am, or by appointment.

Grader: To be announced ,

Course Syllabus in PDF

Textbook: Abbott, Understanding analysis

Exams: Two in-class exams (Oct. 12 and Nov 09) and one final (Dec. 19).

Homework: There will be weekly homework posted here. It is due in class. Further information is given below.

  • No late homework will be accepted.
  • The TA will grade all problems each out of 100 points.
  • Write your name at the top of the first page.
  • Write your solutions neatly using complete sentences.
  • Staple your pages!
  • The weakest homework score will be omitted.

Grading: Homework 20%; Each midterm 20%; Final 40%.

Homework problems:

Problem set 1, due Wed Sep. 12 in class.

Problem set 2, due Fri. Sep. 21 in class.

Problem set 3, due Fri. Sep. 28 in class.

Problem set 4, due Fri. Oct. 05 in class.

Problem set 5, due Fri. Oct. 19 in class.

Problem set 6, due Fri. Oct. 26 in class.

Problem set 7, due Fri. Nov. 02 in class.

Problem set 8, due Mon. Nov. 19 in class.

Problem set 9, due Fri. Nov. 30 in class.

Problem set 10, due Fri. Dec 7 in class.