Peer Advisors

The Peer Advisors are a group of seniors in the Carroll School who act as an extension of our academic and career advising teams. They can offer the advice and guidance only those with first-hand experience can provide!  

Note: Peer Advisors are for current undergraduates in the Carroll School of Management. If you are a prospective student, please visit the Office of Admission.

Peer Advisor drop-in hours are held in Fulton 315.

Peer Advisors are here to help with course scheduling, mapping out your 4 years, studying abroad, internship recruiting, interview prep, and so much more.  Stop by their drop-in hours to meet them!

Meet the 2024-2025 Peer Advisors!





Alex B






Alex K









Anshika (she/her) is a Finance & Information Systems concentration, minoring in Managing for Social Impact & Public Good. This past summer, Anshika was an internal audit intern at Cloudflare. This school year, Anshika is looking forward to living with friends and enjoying tailgating before the football games. Anshika is Vice-President for Women Innovators Network, part of the undergraduate staff at the Women's Center, the treasurer for Synergy Hip-Hop Dance Company, and part of the Bystander Intervention Lead Team. 

Anshika's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The alumni network is humungous!”

One thing Anshika wishes she knew when she was a sophomore: “To start early with networking and utilize the CSOM resources, especially the alumni contact sheets!” 

Here’s a fun fact about Anshika: “I once broke both my legs within the same week (not fun!)”

Contact Anshika.


Katelyn (she/her) is concentrating in Finance and Accounting for Finance & Consulting. This past summer, Katelyn interned as a Private Wealth Management Summer Analyst at Goldman Sachs in NYC. She spent most weekends down at the Jersey Shore, and during her remaining free time, she explored the city and tried out a bunch of new restaurants and ice cream shops. This school year, Katelyn is looking forward to football games and tailgating in her friend’s mod next year at BC!

Katelyn's favorite thing about the Carroll School:The close-knit relationships that I have been able to form with all of my CSOM professors, as well as the weekly pop-up cookies!”

Katelyn's advice for underclassmen:Get involved with several different clubs on campus early on and attend as many career-related info sessions as possible! This will help you gain a better understanding of the various career options available, and provide you with a wide variety of valuable connections. It will also significantly ease the stress of the recruiting process.”

Here’s a fun fact about Katelyn:My family used to raise pet rabbits when I was younger!”

Contact Katelyn.


Kenneth (he/him) is majoring in Finance and Entrepreneurship. This past summer, Kenneth worked as an Investment Operations Intern at Loomis, Sayles & Company. This school year, Kenneth is looking forward to enjoying and making the most memories of his senior year before he graduates. He is also excited to finally live with friends and people he enjoys being around. During the school year, Kenneth is involved with multiple organizations including the Fulton Leadership Society, AHANA Male Leadership Program, Montserrat Dinner Club, Montserrat, Thea Bowman AHANA Intercultural Center, Dominican Association of Boston College, Freshman League, and is a CURA Facilitator.

Kenneth's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “My favorite thing about CSOM is the professors/staff; it's very easy to feel out of place in an amazing school like BC. Moreover, CSOM, but the love and care each teacher and staff member has for each student really helps you push through those tough moments.”

Advice for underclassmen: “Take courses you want to take and try new things. If you get caught up on one thing your whole time you can lose sight of the beauty surrounding that thing.”

Here’s a fun fact about Kenneth: “This year (senior year) is going to be the first year I will be living with others during the school year (freshman year, I had a single; sophomore year, I was an RA; and junior year, I went abroad and became an RA when I came back).” 

Contact Kenneth.


Kiki (she/her) is a Finance concentration with an Economics major and an African and African Diaspora Studies minor. This past summer, Kiki worked at BNY as an Asset Servicing intern in London. As she enters her final year here at Boston College, Kiki is looking forward to making the most of her senior year and spending as much time with her friends. During the school year, Kiki is part of Presenting Africa to You (PATU), Black Biz@BC, and Bystander. 

Kiki's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “Fulton Foyer.”

One thing Kiki wishes she knew when she was a sophomore: “Be present and intentional because college flies by quickly.”

Here’s a fun fact about Kiki: “I was born in Ireland.” 

Contact Kiki.

Alex B

Alex (he/him) is concentrating in Accounting and minoring in Managing for Social Impact. This past summer, Alex interned at PwC in Boston. He also played golf and tennis, and spent time with friends and family. This year, Alex is most looking forward to tailgates and BC football, especially after studying abroad in last fall. Outside of his studies, Alex is a WZBC radio host and participates in Every Bite Counts and intramural sports.

Alex's favorite thing about the Carroll School:The teachers really care about their students and many bring real-world experience to the classroom.”

Alex's advice for underclassmen:Stay open-minded and ask lots of questions”

Here’s a fun fact about Alex: I am half-British. My dad was born and raised in England and I still have lots of family there.”

Contact Alex.


At the Carroll School, Dylan (he/him) is concentrating in Finance and Entrepreneurship. This past summer, Dylan interned at Outstand, a lower-middle market private investment firm, seeking the next business to acquire. When he's wasn't working, he traveled around Boston and the country! Dylan is looking forward to the new chapter in BC football next year. Outside of his studies, Dylan is involved in the Discover Boston College podcast and the Jenks Leadership Program.

Dylan's favorite thing about the Carroll School:The professors! Always available, super knowledgeable, and makes the curriculum super interesting.”

One thing Dylan wished he knew when he was a sophomore: College can definitely be a long and winding road, but I wish I had known about the sheer amount of resources that both BC and CSOM offer to support you.”

Here’s a fun fact about Dylan: I skydived onto the Palm in Dubai, and would highly recommend it!” 

Contact Dylan.


At the Carroll School, Jaclyn (she/her) has a double concentration in Finance and Marketing. This past summer, Jaclyn was a Finance Management Summer Analyst at Bank of America in NYC. She spent her summer exploring the city, going to the Jersey Shore, and spending time with friends and family. In terms of her final year here at Boston College, Jaclyn is looking forward to coming back to BC after studying abroad, living with her roommates, the football tailgates, and all the amazing things senior year has to offer. Jaclyn is involved with multiple organizations, including the Director of Marketing for Women in Business and the Head of Finance and Fundraising & a Mentor for Strong Women Strong Girls.\

Jaclyn's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The core classes that give us exposure to so many different parts and careers in business!”

Advice for underclassmen: “Don’t compare yourself to others, work hard, and be confident and you can achieve great things!”

Here’s a fun fact about Jaclyn: “I was a Girl Scout from kindergarten until senior year of high school!”

Contact Jaclyn.


Josh (he/him) is concentrating in Finance and Accounting for Finance and Consulting at the Carroll School. This past summer, he worked as an Investment Banking Analyst at UBS. This school year, Josh can't wait for the excitement of football games in the fall! On campus, Josh is active in Scholars of Finance and the South Asian Student Association.

Josh's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The professors. Every professor I have had is extremely knowledgeable, and it has been great to learn from them.” 

Josh’s advice for underclassmen: “Get involved! I would tell underclassmen to apply to clubs and try to be more involved on campus. That is a great way to get to know more people and to find mentors!”

Here’s a fun fact about Josh: “I am a big foodie and love to cook and eat various types of cuisine like Indian food and especially spicy food!” 

Contact Josh.


Hadley (she/her) is concentrating in Accounting for Finance and Consulting with a minor in Philosophy. This past summer, Hadley lived at home in Atlanta and worked on the Global Corporate Finance team at Prudential Private Capital as a summer analyst. When she wasn't working, she enjoyed spending time at the lake, going out with friends, and visiting family. Looking ahead to next year at BC, Hadley is most excited about being back with everyone after being abroad, and living in the Mods! On campus, Hadley is involved in Boston College Women in Business.

Hadley's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The sense of community on-campus and with alumni.”

One thing Hadley wishes she knew when she was a sophomore: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to meet up with upperclassmen - they’d love to help you!”

Here’s a fun fact about Hadley: “I ran the London Marathon in April!”

Contact Hadley.


Amelia (she/her) has a double concentration in Finance and Marketing at the Carroll School. This past summer, she interned as a private equity summer analyst at Yellow Wood Partners in Boston. Outside of her internship, Amelia traveled to Japan and England (for the Taylor Swift concert in London!) In her free time, she enjoys playing guitar, weightlifting, and going on ATV rides with friends and family. Next year at BC, Amelia looks forward to game days, senior year activities, peer advising, and continuing her involvement in clubs like the University Chorale and Relay For Life's Recruitment Committee.

Amelia's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “From professors to advisors to classmates, everyone supports your success. Professors engage students with their expertise, advisors guide students toward fulfilling paths, and classmates forge meaningful connections through shared experiences.”

One thing Amelia wishes she knew when she was a sophomore: “Focus on what is best for you! There is no single path for your academic and professional journey, so don't pressure yourself to have everything figured out and don’t compare yourself to others. Take your time to explore different options, learn about your interests, and figure out what brings you the most enjoyment. Talk with professors, meet with career advisors, join clubs that pique your interest, and attend academic and career fairs to learn about a variety of opportunities.”

Here’s a fun fact about Amelia: “I live on an organic farm in Massachusetts!” 

Contact Amelia.

Alex K

Alex (he/him) is concentrating in Finance at the Carroll School. This past summer, he interned in Boston at J.P. Morgan in the securities services division, and spent time at the pool and on the golf course. This year at BC, Alex is most looking forward to reconnecting with friends after being abroad in Dublin in the spring. On campus, he is involved in 4Boston, VCPE (Venture Capital and Private Equity), and participates in intramural sports.

Alex's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “I think the CSOM professors are extremely knowledgeable and always willing to help.”

Alex’s advice for underclassmen: “Network - but knowing how to network makes all the difference. Don’t just call people for the sake of it, actually try and get something out of the meeting so they can remember you or refer you when applying.”

Here’s a fun fact about Alex: “I have a twin sister and my brothers are also twins; but I am the only one who went to BC.” 

Contact Alex.


Chiara (she/her) has a concentration in Marketing with a minor in Math. This past summer, she was a Summer Management Consulting Intern at PwC in Boston. For her senior year, Chiara is looking forward to reconnecting with friends and fully enjoying her senior year experience! On campus, Chiara actively participates in 4Boston.

Chiara's favorite thing about the Carroll School:The various CSOM course requirements and CSOM-specific advising.”

One thing Chiara wishes she knew when she was a sophomore: I wish I knew that it is really okay not to know what you want to do yet - this is the time for career exploration and stepping out of your comfort zone to understand your interests for the future.” 

Here’s a fun fact about Chiara: “I am a dual citizen of the US and Australia!”

Contact Chiara.


Christian (he/him) is concentrating in Finance and Management & Leadership. This past summer, Christian managed two real estate internships at Colliers and Project Destined. Looking forward to his return to campus this year, Christian is excited to make his final memories as a college student and enjoy his time as a senior. On campus, Christian actively participates as a Montserrat Dinner Club Mentor and is involved in the Southeast Asian Student Association.  

Christian's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The large alumni network that stretches almost every industry in business and around the world.”

Christian’s advice for underclassmen: “Don't get tunnel vision into one industry in business (like investment banking or banking). Actually take time to dive into your interests and explore as many opportunities as you can across multiple industries.”

Here’s a fun fact about Christian: “I am scared of balloons popping.”

Contact Christian.


As a student in the Carroll School, Andy (he/him) is concentrating in Finance and Business Analytics, with a major in Studio Art. This past summer, interned in Turnaround and Restructuring Consulting at Berkeley Research Group. This school year, Andy is most excited about living in the mods with his friends. On campus, Andy participates in the Fulton Leadership Society, Consult Your Community, and the Film Development Lab.  

Andy's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “All of the support and resources for professional development (and pop-up cookies).”  

One thing Andy wishes he knew when he was a sophomore: “The hard work will pay off and it is so worth it.”  

Here’s a fun fact about Andy: “I am competing in my first ever Ironman Triathlon this year, wish me luck!”

Contact Andy.


Tennyson (she/her) is pursuing co-concentrations in Finance and Accounting for Finance and Consulting, with a minor in Mathematics. This past summer, she worked as a Private Wealth Intern at Alliance Bernstein and spent her free time exploring New York City! This year, Tennyson is most looking forward to experiencing the BC senior traditions, making the most of her last year with the CSOM professors, and living with her lovely roommates. On campus, Tennyson is actively involved in Mock Trial and the Women in Business club.  

Tennyson's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The best thing about CSOM is how willing professors are to help with both your academic and professional life, and how much the faculty values forming meaningful relationships with students!”  

Tennyson’s advice for underclassmen: “Hang out in Fulton 315, and meet all of the advisors and faculty there to help you!”  

Here’s a fun fact about Tennyson: “I'm a twin!”

Contact Tennyson.


Thompson (he/him) is concentrating in Accounting for CPA at the Carroll School. This past summer, he was an Audit Intern at KPMG. This school year, Thompson is most excited about attending football tailgates. On campus, he is involved with the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) and the Winston Center for Business Ethics.  

Thompson's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The extensive alumni network.”  

One thing Thompson wishes he knew when he was a sophomore: “It is okay to not know everything about your future career.”  

Here’s a fun fact about Thompson: “I've broken 13 bones.” 

Contact Thompson.


Arden (she/her) is pursuing a co-concentration in Finance and Entrepreneurship, with a minor in Philosophy. This past summer, she worked as an Investment Banking Intern at Stifel in NYC. When she wasn't working, Arden enjoyed exploring the city, trying new restaurants, attending concerts, and learning how to golf! On campus, Arden is an IB Fellow for the Career Center and participates in the Scholars of Finance and Stock Talk clubs.  

Arden's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “CSOM promotes a holistic approach to learning the fundamentals of the business world, but at the same time we are encouraged to explore outside areas of study. I wouldn’t have added a Philosophy minor if this mindset weren’t positively enforced.”  

One thing Arden wishes she knew when she was a sophomore: “The world doesn’t end if you aren’t fabulous at Coding for Business. CSOM has some hard classes, but what’s more important is how you address the areas that are hard for you.”  

Here’s a fun fact about Arden: “Breaking Bad is my favorite show.”

Contact Arden.


In the Carroll School, Grace (she/her) is concentrating in Accounting for Finance & Consulting, with a minor in Managing for Social Impact & the Public Good. This past summer, she worked at Deloitte as an Enabling Areas summer intern within their Center for Financial Services at the New York City office. The remainder of her summer was spent resting at home and traveling to visit friends and family. This school year, Grace is looking forward to spending her senior year with the best friends she’s made at BC! On campus, Grace is involved in 4Boston as an EVKidz tutor/mentor.  

Grace's favorite thing about the Carroll School: “The wealth of knowledge and resources graciously provided by our professors, advisors, and alumni network.”  

Grace’s advice for underclassmen: “Don’t hesitate to explore different interests and trajectories you may want to pursue. It is okay if you don’t entirely know what you want to do with your career at the jump, but it is important to be proactive and willing to learn. Leverage your coursework and CSOM career advising tools, and build a strong network!”

Here's a fun fact about Grace: I'm the youngest of 21 cousins just on my dad's side!

Contact Grace.