Research Databases & Resources
Some of the databases require usernames and passwords in school and out of school, while others you'll just need them for out of school. There is a webpage link called "Passwords" which is password protected and has all the passwords you should need. Stop in and ask in the media center what the password is for the databases.
For INFOhio databases, you will need to click on the green button near the top of the window to enter the database.
Research Databases - Alphabetical
Bloom's Literature: Examines great writers, important works, memorable characters, and influential movements and events in world literature.
Digital Video Collection: Streaming educational videos supporting all curriculum areas and Ohio's Learning Standards. Segmented and downloadable, most include teacher guides. Can be shown in classrooms or at home.
EBSCO Multi-database Search (INFOhio): Articles from magazines & newspapers (select the databases you want to search). You will need to click on the link with this title.
Gale Cross-Search of Databases: Search all of our Gale subscriptions (except Literature Resource Center) from one convenient search portal.
High School: Gale in Context: Research a broad range of topics, people, places, and events with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites. (Gale - citations are at the bottom of each article.)
INFOhio Core Collection: A list of all the databases that are available through INFOhio.
Literary Reference Center: Scroll down and click on database name for information on thousands of authors & their works
Literature Online: American & English Literature: Full-text works available - poetry, drama, and fiction included
Medline Plus (from US National Library of Medicine): Look at different health topics, drugs & supplements, and various other medical topics. There is also a medical dictionary. There are not MLA citations to help on these pages.
Opposing Viewpoints: Look at both sides of an issue in viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites. (Gale - citations are at the bottom of each article.)
Points of View Reference Center: Articles supporting multiple sides of current issues
Sanburn Insurance Maps: Over 40,000 detailed maps of Ohio cities drawn between 1882 and 1962.
Science in Context: Reference source along with full-text articles
Science Online: Essays on major topics and issues in science, math, and technology along with illustrations, experiments, activities, and biographies
Science Reference Center: Full-text, science oriented content
US History in Context: Reference source along with full-text articles
Vocational and Career Collection: Designed to meet a wide variety of vocational and technical research needs, this database provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals.
World Book Advanced: Start your school project here. Research tools, primary sources, e-books, biographies, sounds, videos, current events, images, maps, and timelines. Create your own account to track and share your research. Hear text read aloud. Translate articles into more than 30 languages.
World Book Student: Start your school project here. Research tools, biographies, videos, current events, images, maps, and timelines. Create your own account to track and share your research. Hear text read aloud. Translate articles into more than 30 languages.
World Book Timelines: Build and share timelines. Use your own events and images or add content and images from World Book.
World History in Context: Reference source along with full-text articles
Descriptions taken from the host sites of the databases.
Spanish Encyclopedias
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (World Book): Spanish-language encyclopedia for Spanish speakers and Spanish language learners. Includes maps, images, and activities. Hear text read aloud.
Hispánica Saber: Gran Enciclopedia Hispánica (World Book): Comprehensive Spanish-language encyclopedia written from a Latin American perspective. Content is updated monthly. Includes maps, timelines, videos, images, and interactive activities.
Research Tools
NoodleTools: A site to help you create your works cited. We do have a school account that you should connect your account to.
Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab): Help with MLA format questions
Audacity: Edit and record audio
Format Factory: Convert file types