
What will Esports look like at BBHES?

BBHES is pioneering this new and exciting endeavor with guidance from neighboring school districts who have middle and high school teams in addition to Cleveland State University’s Esports director. 

Being at the elementary level, we are limited in the type of games that would be appropriate for our athletes. Also, the online component which is necessary in most Esports programs would be inappropriate for our athletes as they are not over the age of 13 (the recommended age for online gaming).

For our first year, we are offering Mario Kart Deluxe 8 for the Nintendo Switch which has an ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board) rating of E for everyone ( No online play is necessary and all games/matches will be played offline in a school setting. Note: We may look into hosting local multiplayer matches in the future using the school’s network.

We will open the program to 32 fourth and fifth graders this year. Thanks to our PSO and Mrs. Toth, we have 8 Nintendo Switches and copies of Mario Kart. This will allow 16 players to play simultaneously. The other 16 members will participate in other aspects of Esports such as coaching and shoutcasting. Athletes will be competing individually and as part of a team in tournaments throughout the year. Matches will be inter-squad and held at school. We will look to hold a final tournament in May where families can attend and see their athletes perform. 

Athletes will need to try out for the team just as they would in other sports. Due to device, space, and coaching limitations we are unable to have a no-cut policy where everyone who wanted to be on the team could. Tryouts will be held in the STEAM room in starting October 30th from 8:15-8:45. A tryout schedule will be sent out once we learn the number of athletes interested.

Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:15-4:30 starting December 5th. Students will come down to the STEAM room at 3:15 from their class and will be brought out to the parent pick up area at 4:30. An official practice schedule will be sent out after tryouts. We plan to run the season until May 2024. 

Students will be expected to maintain their grades and good behavior at school just as in other athletic sports programs. Failure to do so may result in suspension or removal from the team at the coach's and/or administration's discretion. 

If you or your child is interested in trying out please click the red button below to be directed to a registration form. This needs to be filled out by 10/22 in order to be given a tryout date. Registration will close on 10/22.