Bathellier Lab

The Lab

Located in the Hearing Institute (Institut de l'Audition) a research center of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, the Bathellier lab is investigating the computational principles of auditory and multisensory processing. To do so, we combine advanced mathematical analysis and theoretical modeling with a large array of experimental approaches, including two-photon calcium imaging, multichannel electrophysiology, optogenetics and mouse behavior. 


Sophie Bagur and a large groupe of talented colleagues just published a milestone paper for the lab in Science Advances. First causal demonstration of the impact of temporal information format on learning. A clear demonstration as well that the mouse auditory system structures sound representations very similar to what sound categorization deep networks do.    

Srdjan Ostojic (ENS), Virginie van Wassenhove (CEA), Mehrdad Jazayeri (MIT) and Brice Bathellier were awarded an ERC Synergy grant for the project Chronology 

Etienne Gosselin just brilliantly defended his PhD and published a massively perturbing paper in Science Advances.

The Bathellier lab co-organizes Braincoder, a new conference on brain machine interfaces, particularly on new methods to interface the brain with high density stimulation methods. New vista for sensory rehabilitations. New conference setting combining academics and compaies producing research hand-in-hand.

Brice Bathellier received the 2023 Emergence Prize from the Fondation pour l'Audition.