Team Miro
Years 4-6
Team Miro will share learning with children through Google Classroom so our normal practice continues.
We will meet each day with our students in a Google Meet online classroom from Monday to Friday.
10:30am-11:15am will be:
Roto with Mr Bradley and Mrs Pannell
Kuaka with Miss Angela
11:45am-12:30pm will be:
Dudley with Ms Thompson, Mrs Bourne and Ms Abrahams (UC Student Teacher)
Awa with Miss Walsh, Mr Hastilow and Mz Minifie (UC Student Teacher)
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Mrs Palmer Team Miro Google Classroom
Team Kahikatea / Team Tōtara students use ESOL Seesaw
Team Kahikatea
Years 2-3
The following classes will send out regular Seesaw notifications - please check your email/Seesaw Family app each morning (Seesaw details are below).
Each day there will be a class Zoom meeting that will start with a waiata and whakatauki. The teachers will then share the at-home learning tasks.
Tūī (Ms Taylor)
Kiwi (Ms Gold)
Kea (Mrs Savage and Ms King)
Team Tōtara
Years 1-2
The following classes will send out regular Seesaw notifications - please check your email/Seesaw Family app each morning (Seesaw details are below).
Team Tōtara will be using Sunshine Classics and all class teachers will remind you of your child's username to access from home via Seesaw or email.
The Nest 8,9&10 (Mrs Jephcott, Mrs Ford and Mrs Derrick)
Ruru 1&2 (Mrs Morganty and Ms Aitken)
Get the Seesaw Class app via Google Play store or App Store for iPad/iPhone. You can also login on the web via https://app.seesaw.me/#/login
Use your personalised at-home learning code to access and upload work (each student has their own code, if you have more than one student using the same device, you will need to make sure they log out before the next child logs in. Only your childs work and whole class shared work can be viewed from home using the unique code.
Please note: while using your at-home learning code - no other members of the class will be able to view your work (except for the teachers). Some work may be uploaded to your class Seesaw blog. When you return to school, students will be able to view each others work on the class iPads.
Seesaw FAMILY - Get the Seesaw Family app via Google Play store or App Store for iPad/iPhone. You can also login on the web via https://app.seesaw.me/#/login
This is the app to VIEW your childs work, this is also where you will receive parent announcements and private messages from your childs teacher. You can also contact your childs teacher via this app.
Sunshine Classics
Many classes at Banks Avenue School use Sunshine Classics for reading. Your class teacher will be able to share login and password information with you.
You can access it directly from the webpage here or download the app from your app store to your smartphone, tablet, or iPad.
Other useful learning sites:
Prototec Maths - Maths basic facts
Mathsweek.co.nz - NZ site with various maths activities for all levels
Home Learning TV - Home Learning TV will provide teacher-led lessons for 5 – 15-year-olds, with short breaks featuring TVNZ and HEIHEI entertainment shows.
Storyline Online - Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Oprah Winfrey, Chris Pine, Kristen Bell, Rita Moreno, Viola Davis, Jaime Camil, Kevin Costner, Lily Tomlin, Sarah Silverman, Betty White, Wanda Sykes and dozens more. Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong love of reading.