Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver

19 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.6/5

This book is called Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. This book is an adventure book because it talks about a boy named Torak. Torak and his father adventure into the forest, but until there is a bear coming to attack them. Then, his father sacrifices to help Torak to escape in enough time. Then the terrific and intense adventure starts of Torak finding who his father is and searching for something special. I will recommend this book to someone who likes to go do adventures because there are a lot of places where the story takes place. (Kimmy, Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

"Wolf Brother" by Michelle Paver is a young adult novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a prehistoric world. Set in a time long ago, the story is based around the life of Torak, a young boy with a deep connection to the natures of that world. Torak's world is forever changed when his father passes away to a evil creature known as the Soul-Eater. With his world broken, Torak embarks on a dangerous adventure alongside his loyal sidekick, a wolf cub named Wolf. The book is a exciting ride of emotions, filled with highs and lows that keeps readers hooked. Some moments are heart-wrenching and intense, while others are filled with excitement and suspense. Through the perspectives of Torak and Wolf, readers gain a unique insight into their backgrounds, personalities, and motivations. This adds depth to the characters and makes their journey even more interesting. The genre of "Wolf Brother" can be put in the category adventure and mystery because whilst going on this adventure they both have to face challenges while embarking on mysteries along the way. Michelle Paver's writing style is detailed and to the point, transporting readers to a world with rich landscapes, dangerous creatures, and ancient rituals. Overall, "Wolf Brother" is a high recommendation for both young adults and adults. Michelle Paver's storytelling, well-developed characters, and interesting world-building shows it is a true adventure and mystery book. It raises important themes of friendship, courage, and the connection between humans and nature. Overall a really good book! (Jackson.. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

The book, Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is an action book. The story is about how the main character, Torak.Torak dad died by a bear , eventually at the end he fulfills his father’s wishes. I liked this story because it puts you in an action word and you really want to read this book if you read it. world that the main character Torak has to overcome. This book also isnt too long or too short as well as it only has 233 pages. Overall this book is was good to read, I’d highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading adventure books or action books. (Mees. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is an excellent adventure/fantasy book set in a prehistoric period. The book is about a young kid named Torak who lost his father to an attack by a bear. He tries to figure out who did this to his father and he finds out he has a very special ability. He could speak the language of the wolves. The book has a very interesting setting and a storyline that the reader can immerse themselves in very easily. I’ll like to recommend this book who enjoys reading fantasy books or if you enjoy reading sci-fi books, I think it will be a new experience if you read this book. (Youngmin. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book, Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is an adventure/fantasy book based in a fictional ancient world. The story is about how the main character, Torak swore an oath to his father just before he had died to a demon, eventually at the end he fulfills his father’s wishes. I liked this story because it puts you in an intricate and immersive world that the main character Torak has to overcome. This book also isnt too long or too short as well as it only has 233 pages if you don't count the authors note. Overall this book is was good to read, I’d highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading adventure books or fantasy books.  (James W. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Wolf Brothers by Michelle Paver is a fantasy novel, for me, Wolf Brother was enjoyable to read, and I also liked to read the story itself, the novel's story was interesting because the story immediately starts with bad instead of good by Torak's dad dying from a rampaging demon bear. The vocabulary inside of this book is not that hard to understand though, I recommend this for people who are over 11 and like a story based on hunter-gatherers. the story is set a few thousand years ago when hunter-gatherers were still dominant, and the story itself is about a 12-year-old person named Torak who is able to speak and understand the wolf language. He has recently lost his dad to a demon bear that wants to destroy the world, and Torak's dad told him to go to a mountain to stop the bear, so Torak and his wolf cub companion led the bear there.  (Rama. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver fits in the adventure type of genre. it mostly fits into the adventure/fiction category because, at the beginning, a boy named Torak lost his father due to an attack from a demonic bear, which grows stronger every time it kills. before Torak's father died, he asked him to swear that he would find a mountain of world spirits. This book is recommended for people who like reading adventure genre while a little creepiness.  (Jiwan. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is a Historical Fiction book. It is about the main character, Torak, who's father got mauled by a bear. Torak just wants to follow what his dad told him before he died. As he starts his adventure, he comes upon a wolf cub companion to help him and be his friend. I liked this book because it moved along quickly and got to the point, there was plot twists and a mix of adventure and fantasy which kept me interested. I enjoyed reading this book a lot and I definitely recommend it to everyone. (Mandalay. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is an adventure genre book that is set during prehistoric times. The book starts off with a boy whose father is mauled by a demonic bear and the book is about his journey fulfilling his father’s dying wishes. During his adventure, he encounters a lone wolf cub who becomes his companion. I highly enjoyed reading this book as it was fast-paced and had many suspenseful moments which kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to figure out what would happen next. There were also many surprising plot twists that kept me interested throughout the book. The book is about friendship and how the bond between the boy and the wolf cub develops as the story continues and how they overcome challenges and struggles together, which I really enjoyed. Overall, I highly recommend this book to people who like suspenseful adventure stories about friendship and loyalty. (Seoyeon. Grade 8)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is an adventure and fantasy story based in prehistoric times. It follows the life of Torak as he tries to follow the dying wishes of his father as he was mauled by a demonic bear. Along the way, he encounters a wolf later to become his companion as they make their way through this fantasy forest. I believe this book had many great elements when it came to building up the world. Something I noticed while reading was the number of mental images I was getting while reading which did not happen too often when reading previous books. I think that is a strong point of the story with its ability to describe the world and characters and the events happening. Though it had these good elements I only gave it an average score as it was not my kind of book. I think you need to like Wolf with adventure to like this book as it is not a book for everyone. In all, I would recommend this book to wolves and adventure lovers. Though if not I say not bother with the book. (Oliver. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Wolf brother by Michelle Paver is about a boy who loses his father to a demon and has to stop the demon from getting stronger. It is an adventure book because the whole book is a big adventure that the boy (Torak) partakes in. The book has its own interesting mythology, which it explains throughout the book. It gives a clear sense of genre and it leaves you wondering what will happen next after each chapter, it constantly makes you cheer for the characters to conquer their troubles, and there are plot twists left and right. If you are into adventure and constantly guessing if the characters will succeed in their troubles and challenges, then this book is for you. (Kai. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book Wolf Brother, written by Michelle Paver, is categorized under the genre of adventure. This book is about Torak the main character who travels through the woods with his father. Though one-day tragedy hits. Torak's father gets slaughtered by a bear and Torak has to cope on his own, alone in the woods full of predators. But even the strongest bull is nothing compared to the monstrous bear lurking in the shadows. Before Torak's father died, he had made Torak swear an oath to find a specific mountain where he would have to find the world's spirit and destroy the bear. Throughout the journey, Torak undergoes many adventures one of which includes finding an orphaned wolf cub. I would rate this book 2-3 because the end was kinda sad and some parts of the book were a little confusing. Even though I wouldn't rate this book that high I can imagine that others would enjoy it very much. (Enya, Grade 6)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Wolf brother by Michelle Paver is an adventure and historical fiction type of book. It fits into the adventure category because at the beginning of the story there was a possessed bear and that bear killed the remaining son of the wolf clan's father. It fits into history because there are clans and ancient things in the clan and what they do. Also, the clans kill other clans and innocent animals. The main purpose of Torak (the main character) travelling through clan areas is because he needed to go to the top of a giant mountain to stay and live there after mourning his father's death.  (Juno. Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

“Wolf Brother” by Michelle Paver, is about a twelve-year-old boy who goes on an adventurous journey along with a wolf cub. He was forced to swear an oath to find the mountain of spirits, destroy the demonic bear, and save all the clans after losing his father and many other people to the bear. I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy adventure books, as I mentioned before, or rather those who are interested in animals and the environment, since it focuses a lot on them. This book was fast-paced and had a twisting plot that kept my interest. Having an easy vocabulary and being easy to understand, the book might appeal to young readers. (Ellery. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is a very interesting adventure book, I couldn't put it down because the adventure story is all over the place and blasting you with major events that you wouldn't expect would happen. For example when Torak adopted a wolf cub and after a couple days the wolf grows fast and takes torak to the ancient darkness of the Forest which is a world filled with natural magic and elemental terror, in order to go through you need a strong friendship. (Alex. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

It's about a boy whose name is Torak who lost his dad because a demon bear killed him and now the boy is lost in the woods and is trying to find and kill the demon bear with an artifact he gets. He tries to find a town but can't. But then he meets a wolf and his father had told him that something will come and help him find his way and he thinks that that thing is the wolf. So he survives in the forest until they find a town and Torak sees food and both he and the wolf are very hungry so they eat until the people of the town find them and they are very angry so they take them to the king and his friends and they threaten to scare the wolf away if Torak do a thing for them so Torak does it and he talks to a girl and they become friends and then try to find the demon bear and kill it with the artifact.I think it was an okay book and the vocabulary was not really that hard. (Sven. Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is about a boy named Torak. His father is killed by a demon bear. So Torak must go up to the mountains and put a artifact so that the demon bear would be killed. He meet the raven clan and a wolf cub he have encountered by the demo bear several times. At the end Torak can go up to the mountains and put the artifact there and the demon bear was killed many people rejoice him for saving the forest. The book is mostly about adventure.but can also be considered action. (Dominic. Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver is a book about a twelve-year-old boy whose name is Torak. Torak and his father went on a trip to the forest and everything was normal until his father was attacked by a bear. This bear wasn’t like any other bear they have seen before. The bear was possessed by a demon. Before his father died, he told Torak, that the bear was going to get stronger by day and the forest was dying. Torak was the only one who can save the forest and its nature by proceeding to the Mountain of Spirits with a guide; that will escort his way to the mountain. Along the way, he finds a wolf cub, who lost his family. Torak believes that the lost wolf cub is the guide that his father was explaining. They meet trouble and twists. Would they still be able to save the forest? Will they be able to defeat the bear before it’s too late? The genre of this book is Adventure and Paranormal as it includes demons. The vocabulary wasn’t challenging enough and in my opinion, the storyline isn’t fast enough and it is really slow-paced. I recommend this book to the ones who are interested in what their adventure would be like. (Ahyun. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

"Wolf Brother" by Michelle Paver was a good book that I really liked. This story starts off when a twelve-year-old boy, called Torak, and his father go on a camping trip. It all goes smoothly until his father gets badly injured by a bear. This bear however is not like all normal bears. It has been possessed by a demon. Torak's father makes a dying wish to Torak begging him to find the mountain of spirits and destroy the possessed bear to save the forest from its evil intentions. Torok starts on his journey and soon after he meets a wolf cub who has lost his family in a flood. At first, Torak wants to kill him for food but he feels sympathy and takes the cub in as his pet. Little did he know that this wolf was going to help him succeed on this trip. Will he manage to fulfill his father's dying wish? Will he be able to defeat the bear? I really enjoyed this book. It fits in the genre of adventure. I would recommend it for ages nine and up that can start reading chapter books. (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5