Winter The Lunar Chronicles 

by Marrisa Meyer

1 Review

Overall Rating: 5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

“Winter The Lunar Chronicles” by Marissa Meyer is the fourth book in the series “The Lunar Chronicles”. This novel is a very exciting book that I really enjoyed, however, I would strongly recommend that people read the first three books in the series before this one so that they can follow up the plot and fully understand the characters and their personalities. In this story, Cinder, the main character, and her friends try to save Luna, the planet that the book is based in, from its evil queen and Cinder tries to win back her rightful throne. This is a really thick book but is easy to read because of all the suspense in it, it is packed with action and very hard to put down. It fits in the genes of adventure, mystery, thriller, science fiction, and a bit of romance. I would recommend this novel to ages 12 and up because of its content as it contains some violent scenes. (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5