Wicked History: Napoleon by Goldberg & Izkowitz

7 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.6/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.6/5

The book that I read is called Napoleon by Kimberly Heuston. I think this book is most likely to be in the non-fiction genre. I really liked this book because it told me a lot about Napoleon and how he was a leader of the French Empire in 1804. In this book, there was lots of action, and it showed a lot of his battles. There are a lot of wars and violent things in it, and this book really talked about how good of a warrior he was. I think this book would be really good for people who like to learn about their history and what happened in the French Empire. I think this book was really interesting because of how much action there was and because there were also photos in the book, like when he conquered the lands in his wars. I think this book would be best suited for someone who wants to learn about their history.  (Kiran. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Napoleon, Emperor, and Conqueror, by Kimberley Heuston, was not a very enjoyable book to read. It is a non-fiction history of the life and accomplishments of Napoleon Bonaparte. The reason I was not too fond of it was that firstly, it was dull. This book revolves around the premise of war and history, which collectively are exciting topics to read about. Somehow, this book lacked that spark which made it very hard to continue reading. Secondly, the book is very short and the vocabulary is very simple. It is only 121 pages which is not a challenge worthy of a middle school student, save for reasons such as language barriers, etc. I think this book should be read less for entertainment and more for research purposes as the one thing that this book has a lot of is accurate historical information. I would recommend this book for ages five and up, more specifically for readers researching the life and accomplishments of Napoleon or who are researching french history.  (Anna. Grade 7)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Napoleon: Emperor and Conqueror by Kimberley Heuston is a book about the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. It provides an in-depth look at his childhood, rise to power, military conquests, and downfall. The book is well-researched and provides a lot of information about Napoleon's life. However, it is written in a dry and factual manner, which can make it difficult for some readers to stay engaged.

This book is part of the "Rulers, Warriors, and Heroes" series and is suitable for readers who are interested in history and biographies. It provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of Napoleon's life and provides readers with a better understanding of the man behind the legend.

Overall, I would give Napoleon: Emperor and Conqueror a 3 out of 5. The book is well-researched and provides a lot of information, but the writing style can make it a bit of a challenge to read. If you are interested in learning more about Napoleon's life and legacy, this book is a good place to start, but be prepared for a more academic reading experience.  (Cris. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book ‘A wicked history Napoleon Emperor and Conqueror by Kimberley Heuston is a historical and a non-fiction type of book. The vocabulary is not so difficult to understand but I have come across some that I don't know. It is about the Napoleon’s life and how he lived his life and where it got him. It talks about his battles and his wins and loses and how he struggled to become who he’s known for today. What I like about this book is about how visual representations and little squares of facts are included after every few pages. It is an easy book to read and it is not so long. I would recommend this book to those who love short historical books.  (Lilly. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

A wicked history Napoleon Emperor and Conqueror by Kimberley Heuston is a mix of books I believe it is a historical book but also a nonfiction book. The genres were easy to find because it is about Napoleon's life and the history he made. The book talks about his victories and defeats. In my opinion, the best part of this book is that there are many visuals to help you throughout his life such as maps, timelines, and pictures that represent important events. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes biographies with many pictures and visuals. (Elsa. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Wicked History: Napoleon by Goldberg and Izkowitz for me the book is Non-Fiction. This book tells me about the childhood of Napoleon it tells the winning battle of Napoleon and the defeats of his battles, such as the battle of Waterloo its when Napoleon the Emperor of France attack, Britain, Prussians, and Russians. At the end Napoleon loses the battle and he is exile to a tiny island of St Helens. Napoleon has been exiled for 2 times. He had lost his first wife Joshephine or Rose and married with another one Marie-Louise.   (Dominic. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book i have finished is called A Wicked History Napoleon Emperor and Conqueror.

The genre is pretty clear because it is a book about history so the genre are historical fiction.

I think everyone should read this book because it was really a good book if you like adventure and historical fiction and stuff like that.

The book is about Napoleon Bonaparte. And Napoleon came from a humble family on an island at the edge of the French empire.

Napoleon dream of becoming a soldier/hero.

Little did anyone know that he would become one of the most brilliant and one of the strongest generals in history.  (Dag. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5