The Thief Lord 

by Cornelia Funke

7 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.9/5

The Thief Lord is a book about two brothers named Prosper (12 years old) and Bo (5 years old) that escaped from their strict aunt after their mothers died and hid in venice. They found some street children that stole other people's wallets and small belongings to survive. An unexpected friendship was created between the two brothers and the street children. While the two children and their friends were hiding from their aunt, their aunt Esther decided to call a detective to find the two brothers and bring them back home. That detective named Victor decided that this could be interesting so he decided to find the childrens. Prosper and Bo were living together with those street children in an abandoned cinema which one of the children called Scipio (12 years old) said would be a home for them because of the thief lord. No one knew who the thief lord was until it turned out to be Scipio itself. As soon as the children realised that Victor found them, they decided to trick him and bring him on their side. Victor did start to have trust in these kids and decided to work with them so that they don't have to go back home to their awful aunt. They got caught by the police and Bo was taken back home from the aunt. The kids got a new home at Idas home which is a nice woman. Bo annoyed Esther so much in the end, that she brought him back and he could stay with his brother. (Zoe. Grade 7

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke is a very interesting book about 2 children who ran away from home. the two main characters are prosper and Bo. When there mother dies there aunt has to take care of them and wants to send the older brother Prosper to boarding school and therefor he would only be able to see his brother 2 times in the month so Prosper and Bo decide to run of to Venice. There they meat the thief lord and his friends who will take care of them but also detective victor is looking for them to bring them back to their aunt. I really liked the story and would recommend it to any one. (Maleati. Grade 7) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book 'The Thief Lord' by Cornelia Funke is a mystery book that is 347 pages long. The two main characters are named Bo and Prosper and they are siblings. Bo and Prosper run away from their aunt that they were forced to live with, to go to Venice. The aunt only wanted to keep Prosper and she was planning to send Bo away to an orphanage, that is why the siblings ran away. The aunt eventually finds out and and asks a detective in Venice to go and look for them. The recommended grades to read this (interest based) are 4th to 8th grade. I personally like this book because it has adventure and mystery in it which are intriguing genres in my opinion. I thought that the vocabulary in this book was easy. In conclusion the book is interesting, easy to read and overall significant. (Mandalay, Grade 7) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Thief Lord, written by Cornelia Funk was a book I highly enjoyed. This book was about two brothers who are orphans. Bo, the younger one of the two was supposed to be adopted by his mean aunt. Though she only wanted Bo and not Prosper, the older one. Prosper has so much hatred towards his aunt that they decided to run away to Venice. In Venice they met a group of street kids who were also orphans. They lived in a deserted cinema and were a total of six. They had one leader who named himself 'The Thief Lord' who stole things for them so they could sell it and have enough money to survive. Though is this suspicious leader really who he says he is? I would put this book under the genre of mystery and would rate it 4/5. I highly recommended and I enjoyed reading it a lot. (Enya, Grade 6) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The thief lord.

The book was 347 pages and, in my opinion, fits best into the genre of mystery. However, in the first 100 pages it seemed more like an adventurous book, which I don't like as much. That's why the first part of the book was a bit boring for me. The last 50 pages to me were the most interesting and the most fun to read.

The story is about a group of kids. Two of them ran away from their aunt and uncle, who had sent a detective to look for those kids. Throughout the whole book there is a lot happening at the same time. Especially in the middle and ending of the book. in my opinion, that makes it a bit hard to follow. That's why I recommend reading a lot at a time and not rushing it. Overall, I really liked this book and would recommend it to all of my classmates. (Emma, Grade 7) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke is an adventure and mysterious book. Bo and Prosper are the 2 main characters. Bo and Prosper are two siblings that run away from their aunt to Venice. Their mother had always told them story's about Venice and how there are Lion statues on every roof. Bo and Prosper's mother had died, and they were forced to live with their aunt. Their aunt didn't want Bo and only chose to take Prosper. While their aunt was setting up the orphanage that would take Bo in, the boys ran off to Venice. Esther Hartlieb, their aunt had come to Venice to ask this detective to find the boys and bring them back home. The detective had agreed and after long days and weeks of finding and looking, the boys and their gang caught him and took him in as a prisoner but after a few days, the detective was on their side to lure their aunt in for something... (NIka, Grade 6) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. This book is about mystery a little bit of action and adventure . It tells about a detective that wants to find 2 boys that run away from their aunt and uncle. The boys are in Venice working to a Thief Lord, that gave them money, foods and etc. You can choose this book if you’re interested in mystery and action. It’s has some weird parts when grown ups turn to kids and kids turn to grown ups. This book is one of the best book I’ve ever read.  (Dominic, Grade 6

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5