The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

I want to talk about the book “The Tale of Despereaux”, this book was written by American children's author Kate DiCamillo in 2003.

This story narrates the adventures of a little mouse Despero who is faced with many problems where he is not given an easy choice. Often he has to show fortitude in order to overcome the obstacles that he puts up, his fate, as they say in the book, he “accepts the challenge of fate”. The plot of the book is interesting some things remain a mystery to the reader. I liked the book "The Tale of Despero" because Kate DiCamillo conveyed feelings and emotions well (fear, despair, joy, sadness, etc).  (Timur. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

The Tale of Despereaux, written by Kate DiCamillo is a story about a small strange mouse named Despereaux. Despereaux is very small, with big ears and it is said that he was born with eyes open. His siblings try to teach him to act like a normal mouse, but after a while they just accept that he is weird and will never be a normal mouse. Though one day Despereaux breaks one of the most important rules of the mouse community and is to be punished. Despereaux is sent to the dungeons with the blood-thirsty rats lurking in the shadows. Not one mouse has made it back out of the dungeon alive. Then Despereauxes story gets even more interesting when he is to go on a quest to save young princess Pea. Will he survive? Will he be able to save the princess? This book was very easy to read and included some illustrations. I would rate this book 3/5 because for me the book wasn't as interesting as I would have thought it would be.  (Enya. Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Tale of Desperaux by Kate Dicimallo for me the gender is adventure. It tells about a little mouse that’s born differently born with eyes open, and have large ears and he break the rule of the mouse speaking to humans. So desperaux was excelled from the mouse council and was sent to the dungeon. After many weeks he was going back to the light after the he was saved by his father.  (Dominic. Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5