The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chaiana

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.75/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani is a fantasy (and adventure) book about 2 best friends named Sophie and Agatha. The two girls are total opposites, Sophie is the type of girl you would see dreaming about being a princess, loving rainbows and unicorns and caring way too much about her looks. Agatha on the other hand is what you would call “emo”, she wears black, doesn’t like to be seen outside and does not care about her looks. Every 4 years in the town of Gavilton, 2 children are “sent” to a fantasy-type school used to train children to become fairy-tale characters. You’d think that Sophie is sent to the School for Good, but no, she was sent to the School for Evil and reversed for Agatha. They are convinced that there was a mistake but then they accept it. But now, they are homesick. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy stories with magic. This book gets a 5 out of 5 for being amazing and 1 out of 5 for vocabulary. There is a movie based on this book but I would recommend reading the book rather than watching the movie. (Philippe, Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainanis a fantasy book as well as an adventure about two friends that get kidnapped into the school for good and evil. There is a problem though, they both think they got switched and put into the wrong school. The book is about their journey in school and how in the beginning they keep on trying to switch but now instead they just want to go home. In my opinion, this book has a low level of reading and is easy but super fun to read, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes fantasy- adventure books, don't forget to check the map in front to see what the school looks like. (Elsa, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book “The school for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani is a fantasy book. It is about 2 girls who grew up in a little local village and are totally opposites. 1 girl, Sophie cares about fashion, and looks, and the other, Aggie/Aggatha just doesn’t care about those stuff. Both Aggie and Sophie are readers, they love to read and go to the library. But as the story goes on, Sophie reads about a place called The school for Good and Evil and writes a letter to them. Aggie wasn’t interested, but one night, Sophie goes out into the forest and waits for them to pick her up. Aggie followed her because she was scared something would happen to her. Then they both got picked up all of a sudden and they got to the school for good and evil. Though they were put in the wrong parts of the school. Sophie in Evil and Aggie in Good. They made a plan to switch, but one thing led to another. There are many twists and turns throughout the book which makes the story more interesting. There is also a movie that was just released based on the book which is good if people don't want to read the book. Though I must say, the book and movie were not the same. Many details were missed out. But overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy books. (Lilly, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The school for Good and Evil, by Soman Chaiana, is an action as well as a mystery book. This book is about two characters named Sophie and Agatha that experience an interesting adventure. Sophie is a princess and Agatha is the opposite of a princess. They were chosen to go to a school, one school is for good and the other school is for Evil, but they accidentally got switched and went to the wrong school. I recommend this book because it is mysterious and there is a lot of action throughout the story. The characters get to fly on birds and are put in situations from which they have to escape undetected. (Kirana, Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The School for the Good & Evil was written by Soman Chaiana. It is about the two main characters Sophie and Agatha. They are best friends but completely opposite from each other. Sophie is super pretty and perfect in every way, while Agatha only wears black and keeps distance from everyone. As the story unravels the two friends experience exciting adventures. When they were chosen to go to the Good and Evil everyone thought Sophie was the perfect match for the good school and Agatha for the bad but they found their positions reversed. This fantasy story is a great and exiting novel that will keep you reading non stop. (Enya, Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5