The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

4 Reviews

Overall Rating: 2.8/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder is a realistic fiction following April and a few of her newly found friends throughout a fascinating role playing game circling around the early Dynastic Period. Throughout the entire book there is no main dilemma that the characters face but instead multiple minor ones scattered through every 2-3 chapters. Though there is  what could be considered a "big development" near the end of the book, for me personally it did not entirely grab or spark my interest as it went by rather fast. In that particular moment it felt as if the author was just trying to get it over with so she could move on to the conclusion. I think this book did especially well with the character development of everyone introduced with April especially demonstrating this. From chapter Gains and Losses to the very end it had a good reflection of the book and a nice conclusion. Overall I definitely wouldn't recommend this book to any advanced readers and I personally did not enjoy reading it.  (Thomas, Grade 6) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book "The Egypt Game (Do you dare to play)" by Zilpha Keatley Snyder is a Historical fiction book about people in the past in Egypt finding and creating a game for them to play. This book also includes some pictures and/or visuals that represent what that chapter was about and to give us readers a picture of what is happening. For example, they showed the hieroglyphics that they made up in the book to write a list of names of who were going to play the game. To be honest this book can be really interesting and slightly uninteresting at times because I was sometimes really attached to it, but also I lose focus from time to time. I would like to recommend this book to those who like historical fiction.  (Lilly. Grade 7) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

This book are called The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. The genre of this book was "Mystery" because it tells all weird and suspicious things in the neighbourhood and in the Egypt game. This book has multiple characters with their brave and curious personality. This book includes some detailed images to support the story. In this book, there is a main character named April, she is the character that knows how to fix the problems in the Egypt game and goes to dangerous places with a brave personality. I recommend this book to people who like adventure, Egypt and solving mysteries. (Kimmy, Grade 6) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

For me, this book was the worst book I read so far. It was not the problem of vocabulary, it was the problem of the quality of the story. The story was really boring for me, it was hard for me to keep reading. The ending was really normal too. Unlike most science fiction books the book didn’t really use the most fun point of fiction books like solving a huge problem. I don’t really want to recommend this book to anyone. (Lael. Grade 6)

Rating: 1/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5