
by Edward Bloor

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1/5

Tangerines by Edward Bloor is a book about a boy who is visually challenged, called Paul Fisher. Paul is not really liked by his father who has an interest in making his brother, Erik Fisher, a football superstar. From the start, Paul notices something that is weird about Erik. He is dangerous and mysterious, but when Paul raises his voice to his parents about Erik, he is always getting out of the way and Paul’s parents wouldn’t believe him. Who is Erik exactly and what is he doing? Would their parents really find out what Erik has been doing? I really like this book at the end because it was kind of slow-paced at the beginning but the book became interesting towards the end of the book. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading the genre of action and adventure. (Ahyun. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

“Tangerine” by Edward Bloor fits the genre(s) of sports, action, and fiction. I actually found it enjoyable to read (which was, to be honest unexpected). This book is about the visually impaired Paul Fisher. He is (essentially) neglected by his dad in favor of his football star brother Erik Fisher. Everyone loves Erik, they don't see anything wrong with him, but Paul knows Erik isnt what he seems. Pauls's family move to Tangerine, a small town. Paul joins the soccer team at his local school, and with the help of his new friends, he discovers his family’s and Tangerine’s secrets. The start of the book was a bit boring and uninteresting, but, it gets better as you get further into the book. I recommend this book to 6th graders and up or people who are interested in the genre of sports and action. (Amerie. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5