No Summit Out of Sight by Jordan Romero

1 Review

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

No Summit out of Sight, by Jordan Romero, is a biography detailing Jordan Romero’s inspiring mission to stand on top of the seven summits and look out over the world. With his Dad and his dad's girlfriend Karen pushing and training him to meet this goal, there is no way he will fail. Along the way, he struggles with Avalanches, Frostbite, Acute Mountains Sickness, and Hypothermia, making for a very exciting and attention-holding book. The vocabulary is very easy, so much so that I would recommend this book to anyone above the age of six. The book isn’t very long, 355 pages to be exact, with big font. It includes references to cancer and other illnesses, so some people may be sensitive to it. Enjoy, and take the message of the book to heart. Everyone has their own Everest to climb, Make sure you find out what it is first. And don’t be afraid to get some help on the way! (Anna. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5