To Night Owl From Dogfish by Holly Goldberg Sloan

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

Night Owl to Dogfish by Holly Goldberg is an exciting and heartfelt book. This realistic fiction novel, tells the captivating story of Avery Bloom and Bett Devlin, two girls brought together by an unexpected online connection between their fathers.

What I enjoyed about this book is how it explores the power of friendship and the courage to take risks. Avery and Bett, despite their initial differences, embark on a journey to reunite their fathers and end up discovering their own strengths and identities along the way. The author gracefully captures the emotions and growth of the characters, making it easy for the reader to connect with them.

The letters exchanged between Avery and Bett provide an engaging format that keeps you captivated throughout the story. The unique perspective and voices of the characters make their experiences feel genuine and relatable. Their adventure filled with surprises and unexpected encounters kept me reading.

I believe this book is an inspiring and uplifting tale that celebrates the power of human connection and the importance of embracing new experiences. It's a perfect read for anyone seeking an adventurous story. (Oliver. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book “To Nightowl from Dogfish” by Holly Goldberg Sloan & Meg Wolitzer is about two girls, who had nothing in common and didn’t know each other until their single dads met and instantly fell in love. Their dads put them in the same camp in hopes of getting them to become close and meet each other. In my opinion, this book wasn’t my personal favourite as I did not like how it’s in an email format which sometimes bored me and made me want to stop reading. Besides that the book was enjoyable to read and I think it has a nice story to it. I recommend this book to anyone who likes the genre, realistic fiction. Or to people who enjoy reading about friendships. (Hannah. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The realistic fiction novel To Night Owl From Dogfish by Holly Goldberg Sloan starts off with two twelve-year-old girls, who have totally different personalities and have nothing in common, except they are raised by single dads. When their dads meet, they fall in love and decide to send the two girls to a camp together. In the beginning, the girls strongly oppose, but they start to warm up to each other and this is the start of a blooming friendship. I really enjoyed this book as I thought it was interesting how it was written through a series of emails as it was my first reading a book in this format as well as reading about the strong bond that forms between the girls and how they become inseparable despite the difficulties they face. However, I was not completely satisfied with the ending, as I thought it was slightly unclear because it was an open ending. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and strongly recommend it to anyone who likes reading books about strong bonds of friendship. (Seoyeon. Grade 8)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“To Nightowl From Dogfish” by Holly Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer is a story about two girls who are twelve years old. They don't have many things in common, except that they are both being raised by single fathers. When their fathers fall in love (with each other), the two girls will be sent to a camp, their fathers want them to bond and become friends, but the girls think otherwise. They liked it just being them and their fathers, and they don't want that to change. Will they become friends? Who knows. I enjoyed this book, although it was a bit confusing at first because the story is told through emails. This fits the genre of realistic fiction and slice of life (kind of). I recommend this book to people who like a calm, not very action-packed plot.   (Ahyun. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“To Night Owl From Dogfish” By Holly Goldberg Slogan & Meg Woltizer is about two twelve-year-old girls who are being raised by single dads. When their dads meet, they instantly fall in love and send their girls to summer camp so that they can travel to China together and get to know each other. At first, the girls oppose the relationship and because of that, they agree to ignore each other at camp but then they start to warm up to each other through emails and end up becoming inseparable. This was a pretty good book. It is written through a series of emails and fits in the genre of realistic fiction. I would recommend it for grades 6 and up because this topic might not be very appropriate for younger ages.  (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5