My Sister The Vampire by Sienna Mercer

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.3/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

When Sienna Mercer wrote the book My Sister the Vampire, she probably had children of ages 5-8 in mind. My Sister the Vampire is a short book (208 pages) that follows Olivia Abbot's struggles as she moves to Franklin Grove. She is adopted and has no memories of her biological parents. The only thing she has from them is a large emerald ring. You can imagine why she is so surprised when a girl named Ivy Vega (pretty much Olivia's direct opposite) possesses an identical copy of the ring. The two girls realize that the only way they could have the same ring is if they are twins, and sure enough, they do look exactly alike, but they have very different tastes and as the book goes on, Olivia begins to suspect that Ivy is something more than she seems. Something more sinister.

The book is very short and has a very simple vocabulary. It was probably made more for a grade 3-4 level, maybe five. The genre is paranormal but there is nothing about it that is scary. I recommend this book to younger people because people in grades 7 and up would most likely find it boring. It is a very good book for practicing reading and would make a very good introduction to chapter books. (Anna, Grade 7)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

My sister the vampire by sienna mercer

This was a great book. It has about 240 pages, and In my opinion it fits best into the genre adventure. It’s about a girl that is new to school and she meets her long lost twin sister. Over time it becomes clear that the bond between them grows stronger, because of all the different adventures they are involved in.

I loved this book because it was an interesting story, and I got really invested in the story. Also it stayed interesting because it was less than 300 pages. It was the perfect amount of pages for me, because after a while I get bored of a book. For me it was one of those books where you are sad when it is over.

I would recommend this book to anyone around the age of 10-13 because if you are older than that, the reading level will probably not be challenging enough for you. (Emma, Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

My Sister the Vampire (switched) is a book written by Sienna Mercer. The book is mostly about 2 girls who meet as long-lost sisters and one of them is a vampire. In my opinion, this book would fit mostly in the genre of fantasy, fiction, and paranormal because it is not a real event that could happen in real life, it is about a vampire, and it's a cool fantasy to think about. I also think that if you are the type who does not like thick books with a lot of writing, then I think this is the book for you because it is short, thin, and really fun to read. In addition to all that, this book is a part of something called a book series which means there are more books related to the story with the same characters, just with a different plot. Also, as with most books, there is also a short and quick summary at the back of the book as well as a list of all the other books from the book series. It helps you by seeing whether or not you would be interested in reading a book like this. I think this is a good book but I wouldn't call it my favorite, but it is good enough for me to recommend to people because you will love the story and everything else in it. (Lilly Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

My Sister the Vampire switched is a book by Sienna Mercer. The book fits best into the category of fantasy. The book is short and small but you can still enjoy it. The vocabulary is very easy so you don't have to be a high leveled reader to read My Sister the Vampire. The book is in a book series switched is the first book. That means if you really liked it you can always read the next books. In my opinion, they should switch more like imagine having the ability to switch with your sister how cool would that be plus no one would know. You could have so much fun but for them, they only did it twice or something. What a waste of power. If you read this book at the back there is a short review on the next few books of the series. After reading the back I would say book number three revamped sounds more exciting. I would recommend this book if you like fantasy and fake books. The two main characters in this book are Olivia and Ivy. Even though it all was good in the end I still think Olivia should have been cheer captain. (Elsa. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5