Murder is Bad Manners by Robin Stevens

4 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.1/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

Murder is Bad Manners by Robin Steven is a intresting book. Murder is Bad Manners is about two friends, Hazel and Daisy, who ask lots of questions about she tries to find the truth about a murder at their boarding school. two girls in a boarding school who became detectives in the 1930s and this book the genre is mystery.I really liked this book because its mystery. This book make me more challenging in the vocabulary, which is good so I can learn more words, I would recommend this book to who likes mystery like me and I rate this book a 4 and the vocab a 4. (Keelmoris. Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 4/5

The book I read is called “ Murder is Bad Manners ”. It is a novel by Robin Stevens. The genre of this book is mystery and fiction. I gave it a ⅗ rating. And the difficulty of the words was ⅗.

This story is about two friends named Hazel and Daisy forming a secret detective agency. Their first investigation was a Science teacher found dead in the gym. Five minutes later, Hazel and Daisy came back, but the body was gone. The girls now recognize that a murder must have taken place and that several individuals at the school could have been responsible, each of them with a clear motive. Daisy and Hazel must now find the murderer and solve the murder that took place. Before another murder occurs, Hazel and Daisy must gather evidence, spy on their suspects, and do everything else possible to solve the case. I liked this story because it has a mystery/suspense in it and you never know what’s gonna happen next, which is kind of scary. Anyone who enjoys Mystery stories should read this book, in my opinion. (Alexis Grade 8) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Murder is Bad Manners by Robin Steven is an interesting book about two girls in a boarding school who became detectives in the 1930s. Hazel and Daisy solved mysteries in the past, finding lost items and who was wrong in a fight. But, they get to solve a real mystery. One day, their science teacher, was found lying dead on the gym floor by Hazel. But the next thing she sees after she brought Daisy to the gym is that the body was gone, squeaky clean. Daisy and Hazel start finding suspects and clues to the murder. Until they find something that they never suspected before. I really liked this book because the storyline is just so perfect that it gives everything a reader needs, thrills, goosebumps, and relief. The genre of this book is thriller and mystery. The vocabulary isn’t really hard to understand, but there wasn’t a wide range of vocabulary used during the story. I recommend this book to the ones who are interested in solving mysteries and especially murder as it isn’t a single murder.  (Ahyun, Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Murder is Bad Manners by Robin Stevens is a murder mystery with an intriguing storyline, set at an English boarding school. One of the characters discovers the body of a teacher in the school gym. She then decides to solve this mystery with her best friend. I thoroughly enjoyed this book because of how suspenseful the story was. It was intriguing to follow the process of the main characters discovering who the murderer was. In addition, mystery is a genre I’m not typically drawn to therefore it was a nice change of pace. The beginning was slow-paced, but as I continued to read, it started to pick up. The suspense built up to a surprising plot twist at the end which was the cherry on the cake. In summary, I would recommend this book to people who like murder mysteries with exciting plot twists. (Seoyeon, Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5