Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ramson Riggs

7 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.9/5

Fans of fiction, fantasy, and mysteries will like Miss Peregrine's Home for Extraordinary Children because it is a captivating and attractive book. Everyone who enjoys an adventure with developed characters and an exciting plot must read this.

The relationship between Miss Peregrine and Jacob is nicely developed, bringing emotional depth to the novel, and the plot moves along at a good speed. The book's old photographs make the narrative distinct and spooky, making it a visual joy for readers. A small problem in the book is that the ending felt rushed and sudden, leaving some loose ends. The overall enjoyment of the story is unaffected by this, however, this does not affect the fun of the whole story. (Esther. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 4/5

The Mysterious, but Adventurous story made by Ramson Riggs, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, is about a boy who was traumatized after his grandfather's death. He wonders of and he wants to see if his grandfather's fairy tales are true. In a box his grandfather hid before he passed away, he saw pictures of some children kept at the Peregrine's Home, and they didn't look normal. 

Ramson Riggs did a good job making the characterizations of this book. I thoroughly really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend this book to anyone who is pretty interested in mystery or adventurous books in a major way.  (Cilla. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ramson Riggs, is an adventure story about a boy who wonders if his grandpas fairy tales story are true after his grandpas death he goes on a far adventure and finds out spectacular and peculiar things on his adventure he then finally finds what his grandpa was always talking about he talks to the headmistress

miss peregrine and then knows that he might be more peculiar as he fought he would be it is a very exiting journey and when you begin to read you can't stop I loved the book and would recommend it to anyone who has interest in reading it. (Melati. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ramson Riggs is a Fantasy book telling the story of Jacob Portman. In this novel, Jacob explores the home where his grandfather Abraham Portman lived during a war and finds mysterious pictures of children doing peculiar things; Such as lifting giant boulders, holding balls of flames and even levitating mid-air! As he continues to explore the house, he sees a girl watching her. When she runs away, Jacob runs after her. Only to find when he was caught by the girl following her that he is transported to somewhere very different. He was transported to Cairholm, Wales, on September 3, 1940. Later on in the story, he finds out that the children in the pictures were actually REAL. After he finds out about the existence of the children, he also finds out about the hollowgasts and the truth about his grandfather’s demise. This book does an amazing job of how they characterize things directly and indirectly. It is a 5/5 book with a vocabulary rating of 2/5. (Philippe. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

The title of this book is 'Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children' by Ransom Riggs and it is amazing! This book is about a boy who goes to an island and finds a home with very unique children. I could not put this book down. I even read 100 pages in one day - the author interprets emotions and sets an uneasy tone in the story very well. The suspense made me keep reading for long periods of time. This book did not have very hard vocabulary in my personal opinion. I definitely recommend this book to anyone, especially if you like paranormal and mystery books. The author uses detailed adjectives and accurate dialogue, they make sure the things the characters say are realistic. (Mandalay. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs, is an adventure book about a boy (Jacob) crossing an ocean to make the dead's grandfather's last word. On his journey, he discovers a very peculiar school when he asks what happened to an abandoned place, and in it, there are some very peculiar/weird people. Among these is a girl who can create fire, an invisible boy, and much more, and the school headmistress (miss peregrine) who is as strict and very strange. This book can be a little creepy for younger kids I would not recommend it for young kids. The vocabulary is easy to understand so it is fun to read once you have read the first chapter or so, the book is full of old photos that the author collected from various places and people. Most of them are real, but some of them have been retouched to fit the story, I would recommend this to anyone who loves action and a bit of mystery. (Elsa. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs, is an action packed, paranormal book about a boy named Jacob, crossing an ocean to clear the mysteries left to him by his late grandfather. On his journey he discovers a very peculiar school, and within it, some very peculiar people. Among these are Emma, a girl who can create fire within her hands, Millard, an invisible boy, and of course, Miss Peregrine. The school headmistress who is as strict as she is strange. This book is a little on the creepy side so I would recommend this for ages 8+. The vocabulary is very easy to understand, most people will have little difficulty reading it. The book is full of old photos that the author collected from various places and people. Some of them have been ever so slightly retouched to fit the story line but overall is it a very creative way to immerse the reader into the story. I would recommend this to anyone who loves constant action and mystery. I don't recommend reading this at night. (Anna. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5