Lost in The Sun 

by Lisa Graff

2 Review

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

The realistic fiction novel, Lost in the Sun by Lisa Graff is about a middle school boy named Trent who blames himself for causing the death of another boy by accidentally hitting a hockey puck at his chest - not knowing that he had a heart defect. The story continues with his struggles through middle school, trying to make friends, trying to amend his rocky relationship with his father, and trying to resolve his anger issues. Throughout this journey, Trent attempts to get over his past and stop blaming himself for the death of the boy. I enjoyed reading this book as I found the main character to have an interesting perspective. It comes from him living in a somewhat harsh household, having an unstable relationship with his father, and experiencing various difficulties. Furthermore, I was satisfied with the heartwarming ending and liked how his family members and friends support him throughout this process. Overall, I would recommend this book if you like realistic fiction novels that have interesting storylines with heartwarming endings. (Seoyeon. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“Lost In The Sun” by Lisa Graff was a pretty good book. This story is about a middle school boy called Trent and how he blames himself for the death of one of his “friends”. It talks about how he struggles through middle school, trying to make friends and pass sixth grade while struggling with his personal life, trying to amend his rocky relationship with his father who divorced his mother. This story addresses the themes of family relationships and friendship. It fits in the genre of realistic fiction. This was a really short, fast, and easy book to read. I would recommend this novel to ages 10 and up because of its content. (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5