I Am David by Anne Holm

3 Review

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.7/5

I Am David by Anne Holm is more of an adventure because it talks about a boy named David who is a boy in a concentration camp with many Jews, a man helped him to get out from the concentration camp and he is free. David task is to get to Denmark but lost his way and he ended up in Italy. Many people helped him buy giving him food and money, at one time David saved a girl from a burning house and the family let him stayed in the house before David started to embark and have a new journey. An American gives him 2,000 Italian lira and David used it to buy scissor to fix his hair and some food. At the end David realized that he had a mom and he wants to find her so he can live with her, at the end David Traveled to Copenhagen and met he mother the end. I rate this book 9.5/10 (Dominic, Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

I am David was written by Anne Holm and it is a story about David escaping a camp where he spent his whole 12-years of his life. I suggest that this book is an adventure book because this story is about David’s adventure while escaping the camp. In this book, David wanted to experience the world outside the camp, so he decided to escape the camp for freedom. I rate this book as a decent book to read, especially when you are that kind of person who likes to read an interesting and adventurous book. However, I wouldn’t recommend this book for people who are expecting to learn some new vocabulary because I didn’t think that this book used many words. Overall, I rate this book as a good interesting book for people who like to imagine having adventure, but not for people who would expect challenging vocabulary. (Siwoo, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I am David, written by Anna Holm was a book I enjoyed a lot.This novel is about a 12 year old boy named David who has lived in a concentration camp for almost all his life. He had been separated from his family and told they were dead, but that was not all, he had seen violence, cruelty, and even the death of his best friend. Though one night his life had changed completely. One of the guards at the camp had helped him escape the life of imprisonment. David is told to go far north until he reaches Denmark. The journey is long, difficult and full of adventures. He makes friends as well as enemies and also meets a loyal dog who becomes his companion for the long trip. I would rate this book 3.5 because it was a very nice story that was easy to understand.  (Enya, Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5