Gone by Michael Grant

1 Review

Overall Rating: 3/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

Gone, written by Michael Grant is the first dystopian novel of the trilogy. It's a normal day going on in Sam's life when suddenly everyone over the age of 15 disappears. No warning, no sound, just suddenly out of nowhere vanished into thin air, sending the world into chaos. Species evolve, bullies rule, and violence and brutality is not holding back. Different characters live their own nightmares, and sides are picked turning people against each other. I would rate the word vocabulary 2/5 and the book in total 3/5 because some parts were kind of violent and it included some words that were new to me. Though taken together it was a very well crafted story and I enjoyed reading it a lot. (Enya, Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5