Dunger by Joy Cowley

1 Review

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1/5

Dunger by Joy Cowley is a relatable book that I liked reading. William and Melissa are two siblings who went to their grandparent’s house during the break after hearing that they would give both Melissa and William 1000 dollars each. When they went there, it wasn’t what they had expected, the house was next to the sea and the forest and there wasn’t any electricity. They both started hating the place and soon becomes to like it. They learn new skills and help their grandparents out. It was an ordinary day when something bad happens. What happened? Is everything okay? I recommend this book to the ones who like to read the genres of realistic fiction and a little bit of suspense as well. It is quite a short book, so I also recommend it to the ones who want fast-paced and short stories.  (Ahyun Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5