Dial A For Aunties by Jesse Q Sutanto

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.5/5

“Dial A for Aunties” by Jesse Q. Sutanto is a really unrealistic book. Medellin, is a “family-pleaser” and tries to be the best daughter her aunts and mom have ever had. Her mom sets her up on a date one night, but it escalated quickly, turning the whole thing into a crime scene. Her life turned upside down in one night. This story has two points of view, her present, and her future. The story plot was really unrealistic and was jumping about to places but it is quite recommended to readers who enjoy the genres of rom-com and a little bit of murder mystery. The targeted age group would be 12-14-year-olds because of how the author conveyed the story plot throughout the entire book.  (Ellery. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

"Dial A For Aunties" by Jesse Q. Sutanto is a hilarious book that I really liked. When Meddy, a girl in her mid twenties, is pressured by her aunties to go on a blind date that her mother set up, things go south and she ends up accidentally killing her date. Following the incident, things go from bad to worse, as she tries to get rid of the dead body, meets her university ex-boyfriend and ends up being framed for a theft that she didn't commit, all with having to deal with the stress of managing her family's wedding business. I really enjoyed this novel, which was hard to put down. It has lots of twists and hooks keeping it very exciting. I would recommend it to people who enjoy the genres of adventure, mystery, thriller, and a bit of romance. I felt it was mostly targeted to ages 11 and up because of its contents and language.  (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5