Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angelberger

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.6/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.7/5

Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger is a book filled with amazing little stories and funny images. The book was about this 7th grader named Tommy that’s friends with this kid named Dwight who owns a finger puppet named Origami Yoda. Dwight/Origami Yoda would often give really good advice to people that ask him questions but in a riddle. But one day Dwight gets into trouble and was sent in suspension and might get sent to CREF which is this really terrible place where only bad kids go. So Tommy, alongside some other friends, decided to create a casefile of some sort containing stories that can prove that Dwight wasn’t a bad kid. Throughout the casefile there was one particular character that shows up a lot and that is Harvey and his Darth Paper. As we all know Darth is like the bad guy of star wars and this whole book is all a big star war reference. It is safe to say that Harvey was the bad guy or is he? The reason I love this book is because it has so many mini stories written by different characters and each character has a different kind of handwriting. This shows how much thought the author put into this book. In addition I think this book was super easy to read which is recommended to people who are new to english. It didn't have many hard words in the book. Overall I think it is a great book totally loved it got me hooked right from the start and couldn't just stop. (Eden. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Darth paper strikes back by Tom Angleberger is an Action book about an origami Yoda that gives wise advice to people who need it. Origami Yoda and Darth paper fight each other in this book. This book is very funny and I couldn’t put it down. In the first part of the book it seemed boring but when the story continued it started to become funnier and funnier. This book has images beside the paragraphs about what the characters look like or what the paragraphs and talking about. At the end of the book, they tell us how to make an origami Darth paper and an origami Yoda. I recommend this book to people who like action because there are a lot of actions in the book and this book is also very funny.  (Cilla. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Darth Paper by Tom Angleberger is a very funny book because in this book Paper yoda is a finger puppet and he gives of wise advice to anyone who needs it. Also in this book the main character almost gets suspended because of his paper yoda and it bothering everyone but only the teachers think that. Then his arch nemesis took his place as the origami finger puppet and replaced yoda so then there was an entire adventure about it where paper yoda wins. (Juno. Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angelberger. In my opinion, Darth Paper Strikes Back is an Action story where two rivals fight against each other. The author, Tom AngleBerger, is also very creative - adding paper characters and crumbled pages throughout the book which i have never seen before. I also like how, in the last few pages of the book, there are instructions of how to make your own paper characters. I highly recommended this book, particularly to any reader who happens to love Star Wars and similar type of action stories! (Kirana, Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I love the book and how it really put a perspective while your reading and I love the theme of the story and there was even some star wars references on there, Darth Paper Strikes Back is one of the most action drama type book. I love how it even has a guide on the back on how to make the characters you read in the book. Tom Angle Berger is really creative because the book looks like a crumpled diary and it even has different characters talking in each chapter as like a main character. The story is amazing and even the front cover is very flashy I would recommend this to kids who like sci - fi and comedy because this book can be for anyone even for people who don't know star wars or people who are really into star wars. It doesn't matter, who ever wants this book I would really recommend it and I'm even interested into looking further into the series. (Jehoshua. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5