Cress by Marissa Meyer

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2.2/5

“Cress” by Marissa Myer is the third book of the dystopian, fantasy series “The Lunar Chronicles”. This story is told from multiple perspectives (mainly Cress and Cinder). This story continues where the last book (“Scarlet”) left off. Cress is a girl who lived on a satellite for 7 years albeit not by choice. She was imprisoned there due to her talent with technology. She became a spy for the Lunar colony, spying on the earthen governments and relaying the information back to Luna through a lady she calls “Mistress”. Cress who was excited at first now longs to escape her prison and live on Earth with a certain captain aboard Cinder's crew. Will she escape? Find out! I really liked this book, it does a good job of expanding on the previous story and is consistent with what I learned from “Scarlet”. I recommend this book to people who like romance, fantasy, dystopian, and action. (Amerie. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“Cress, The Lunar Chronicles” by Marissa Meyer is the sequel to “Scarlet, The Lunar Chronicles”. I was really excited to read this book because the previous one ended with a thrilling hook. In this story, Cinder, the main character who is a cyborg, gets closer to her aim of overthrowing the evil queen while Crescent Moon (aka Cress), a girl who has been a prisoner of the evil queen, finally gains her freedom and joins Cinder's crew. This was a really good book that ended with another exciting hook which really made me want to read the continuation. I would not recommend reading this story before reading “Scarlet, The Lunar Chronicles” because you would not really understand what is going on. This is a great book for anyone who loves the genres of sci-fi, adventure, mystery, thriller, and a bit of romance. I would recommend it for ages 11 and up because of its long length. (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“Cress, The Lunar Chronicles” by Marissa Meyer is the third book of the series The Lunar Chronicles. Lunars are people with inhuman powers and are from a planet called Luna. Crescent Moon, a shell who has been imprisoned on a satellite for 7 years finally gets her freedom but brings consequences as well. Earth, in the book, is still at stake, and is about to become filled with chaos. Can Cress and her friends save the whole world? I would recommend people read this book after reading the previous book. I would also recommend it for ages 13 and up because its vocabulary is a bit complicated and it is quite a thick book. The book has the genres of action, sci-fi, adventure, and romance. (Ellery. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5