Becoming Kareem by Kareem Abdul Jabbar

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.7/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

Becoming Kareem by Kareem abdul-Jabbar And Raymond Obstfeld is a biography book. I think this book shows to never give up on your dreams and keep trying even if it is very hard. This book is about Kareem who had a hard childhood and got bullied and had been treated differently because of his skin colour. But he still never stopped and never gave up on his dreams and kept trying to reach his goals. I liked the book because you read about him and his whole life growing up. On the court and him getting better in basketball I really liked this book and would recommend it to other people.  (Melati, Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Becoming Kareem written by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar himself, is the life story of an actual existing basketball player: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from his young age until his professional career. I suggest this book’s genre is autobiography because this book narrates Kareem’s entire life. In this book, explains about how Kareem started basketball, what he learned on the court, and “growing life on and off the court” (phrase of the book). I rate this book as a good book because it gave me some life lessons and how I should work hard to achieve my goals. This book also has some good usage of vocabularies, and also some figurative language. Overall, I rate this book as a very good book to learn some life tips and how I should achieve my dreams.  (Siwoo, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Becoming Kareem, written by Kareem Abdul-Jabber is a biography about the famous basketball player and was written by Kareem himself. This book tells the life story of Kareem and the many problems he faced throughout his career. One of those problems was racism. Since he was black, he got bullied at school, and disrespected by the outside world. He got betrayed by people he trusted or even his best friends who ended up going against him and being horribly racist. Kareem's career had it's ups and downs and I liked the book because it showed his own perspective on things and how more than once he was thinking of quitting basketball because of discouragements and self-doubts. I would rate this book 3/5 and for the vocabulary difficulty 2/5 because some words were hard to understand. (Enya, Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Becoming Kareem by Kareem Abdul Jabbar by Kareem Abdul Jabbar for me is more like a Non-Fiction because it is explaining his own live like his down moments to his upper moments. Cause he was a cloured person he must obey the rules for black people. For me he is a very inpiring person that never give up in anything even though when things got hard we must keep trying. Ok leys get back to the story. He is a very tall person too, he likes baseball, and basketball was his favorite he plays in his collage basketball team called the UCLA then he moved to the Milwakee Bucks and the Lakers. He had some coaches for his live like his parents Coach Donhau, Coach Wooden, Muhammad Ali, and Bruce Lee. (Dominic, Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Becoming Kareem Growing Up On and Off the Court by Raymond Obstfeld. Becoming Kareem is a biography based book on Kareem Abul - Jabbar. The book is great for basketball enthusiast and people who want to know about this amazing basketball player Kareem. Becoming Kareem tells alot about his life on and off the court which really brings a prespective on what basketball players do on there free time and also what they have to go through. Like my favorite part in the book is when he was explaining how he met the legend Muhammad Ali. Overall this is a good book for you people out there who want to get to know more about this player and also want to look into basketball and the history behind it. The book probably has some tuff words in there and a bit of slur but I would recommend it to people who love basketball and want to know about basketball. (Kobe, Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read was called "Becoming Kareem Abdul Jabbar." This book is non-fiction, Author, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Raymond Obstfeld. In my opinion, this book is fascinating for people who are interested in sports or want to know more about basketball, Kareem was a professional basketball player and got bullied in school because of his skin color and, this told me how university players get drafted to the NBA, he had a very hard childhood because some of the students in his school bullied him most of the time.(DISCLAIMER: BAD LANGUAGE). (Gibran, Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5