Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.2/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1.7/5

The book i read was Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes. The genre is Adeventure. In this book there was a girl who was poor with a big family. They lived in a small apartment in New York. During the summer she switched schools. She was very nervous because she did not make any friends in her old school because of how she looked and because people knew her home situation. When its the first day of her new school she makes new friends. They get really good friends and also hangout together after school. At school they started learning about 9/11. She and her friends get super interested and decide to secrtely go to a museum about 9/11. (Lauren. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

I really enjoyed this book. It is about a girl from a poor family and how she learns about the twin towers attack that took place in 2001 in New York. For some reason, the girl's father doesn't want her learning or hearing anything about this event. Why? (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I didn't really enjoy this book because it doesn't have a really interesting story line, it's about a girl who lives in Avalon Family Centre, her dad lost his job, so they were poor, she has 2 siblings, her mom works full time and Deja, the main character has no friends and feels embarrassed by her clothes. She arrives in her new school on the very first term, she is 2 rows away from the other new kid, Ben. She meets another of her friends, Sabeen. What they're learning in history currently is about he twin towers that fell down in September 9 2001, it got crashed by planes that were hijacked by Muslim terrorists. Her dad refused to let her learn about it, but she wanted to learn more about it. But why doesn't her dad want her to learn about it? (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5