Tito The Bonecrusher by Melissa Thomson

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.3/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1.5/5

Tito the Bonecrusher is about a boy called Oliver. His dad was in jail and Oliver called Tito for help. This is a good book, for this book is easy to read but the page is so much. I enjoy this book and this book some are comedy. (Keelmoris. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

This is an exciting and funny book. It is about a kid who goes to a gala(dinner) to meet a famous boxer and try help his father escape prison. I really liked it. It had very interesting characters who are all really different with different personalities . I really liked it and would overall really recommend it. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

After Finishing this book I had felt underwhelmed and honestly reconsidered all the time I had lost from reading it. The main plot is about the protagonist trying to save his dad for certain reason's and the author tries to portray this in a cool kind of spy movie but it did not come off that way. Also the protagonist felt borderline delusional. All the character's felt kind of annoying and I did not find any of them interesting. The pacing of the story was not great with some parts taking too long. Overall I did not enjoy this book and it took me around five weeks to complete it because I was so unengaged and almost dreaded having to continuously read it because I did not find it very interesting. I would say this book is not so bad, just very uninteresting. Personally I would not recommend it to anyone. I feel you should only read this if you have absolutely nothing else to read because it is not worth you time. (Oliver. Grade 7)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The author of the book is Melissa Thomson and the whole book is 232 pages long. The book is about a boy named Oliver who is trying to help his dad from escaping prison. Oliver really likes watching Lucha libre which is related to wrestling. His favorite character is named Tito the Bonecrusher. Oliver and his friends are planning to meet Tito to help him escape Oliver's dad from prison. He must go to a charity gala to meet Tito and ask him to help him, but it takes a turn! I would recommend it to people who like watching wrestling. Overall it's a good book. (Jackson. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Tito the Bonecrusher is about a boy called Oliver whose dad goes to jail and he seeks help from Tito. This is a good, easy read about 220 pages. Oliver and his friends go on an adventure to find Tito and talk to him. The ending wasn't that good and did not interest me. I would recommend it to people who like the adventure genre and some comedy. (Monty. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5