Three Keys by Kelly Yang

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book " Three keys" by Kelly Yang was an interesting book. In this realistic fiction story, Mia, the daughter of the new owners of "Cilvista" (a small motel) has to struggle between her responsibilities to help at the motel and her daily challenges with her studies and being pick on because she is an immigrant. She also has to help her friend, an illegal immigrant, deal with her own problems. I liked this book because it taught me more about the life of illegal immigrants from a teenager's point of view. I would mostly recommend this book for ages 6 until 14. It is a good book but it might not be very interesting for ages 15 and above because it might seem a bit childish. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book, "Three Keys" by Kelly Yang is about Mia, the new manager of "Calivista" a motel that has been given to her from the previous owner. She is currently having a roller coaster of challenges in her life. Racism goes on in her life as she tackles it by socializing with students at school and talk about their situations, coming to protests, and the biggest one she has yet to tackle is the situation that her friend has, she has to get permission for her friends family to stay because they are immigrants. I would recommend this book to a younger age, around 9-10 as I felt like it wasn't appropriate for older ages. I didn't really enjoy this book because it didn't quite interest me and took me a long time to read. Realistic genre is the genre that I identified from this book. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5