The War That Saved My Life by Kimberley Brubaker Bradley

7 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Years ago, during the Second World War, a girl escapes from her abusive mother in London. Ada Smith, a young girl with a crippled foot. Her mother abuses her for this, both physically and verbally, until one day Ada follows her brother and escapes to another part of London to be safe from the bombs. There, Ada will learn what it is like to live life as a normal ten year old girl. This is the story of the historical fiction book, The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Bradley. I did not particularly enjoy this book, since I didn't relate with the main character Ada, and wasn't a fan of her personality. I think that this book would be good for someone who wants an easy to read book that gives a little information on life in World War 2, but I personally would not recommend it. (Justine. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I read ‘The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. The genre of this book is historical fiction. The book was set in World War 2. There is a lot happening in the story with the disabled main character, which made it very interesting. I really like this book as it is the genre that I enjoy and it has an intriguing storyline. The characters in the book were unique. However, the reason that I didn’t give a rating of 5 is that the story was a bit long and at the end, it became a little bit boring but overall it was a really good book. I would recommend this book to a reader who likes to read historical fiction. (Sebin. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I like this book because it's both addicting and easy to read, and interesting. This book’s setting is in England during world war 2, I recommend this for people who like speeding through books because the story explanation is very clear. I think the theme of this story is to never give up hope because when their mother came to get them, but they came back to miss smith for a better life. (Ramaputra. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I read the book The War that Saved my Life. It is about a girl called Ada and she has a younger brother called Jamie. Their mom hides Ada and does not allow her to do anything because of her clubfoot. Because of the war, they live with a woman named Susan. In the beginning, they do not really like her but they eventually warm up to each other. This book was a great book as I really enjoyed the storyline and how engaging it was. In the beginning, the book is slightly uneventful, but as I kept reading, the book became more and more interesting. As I started to read I couldn't stop as I kept on wondering what was going to happen next. The vocabulary was not very hard and would recommend this book to someone who likes a book with a meaningful story. Overall, I really loved reading this book and would recommend it to anyone who likes historical fiction books that are suspenseful. (Seoyeon. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book “The War that Saved My Life" is very good and entertaining. It is also a little sad. It is about a girl that has a bad twisted foot. Her mother hates her and is really mean to her. This story is taking place in a war when Hitler bombed. She escapes to another country with her brother. A woman takes them in and in the beginning she is not that happy about it but then towards the end of the story she loves them as her own. I strongly recommend this book and I really liked it. It gives some information about the war and what life was like back then but also fun and entertaining. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The War that Saved my Life is a great book set in the UK, during WW2. It's about a girl named Ada who has a clubfoot, and her brother James (also known as Jamie) who escape their mother in London to the coastal town of Kent, where they meet Mrs Smith. Mrs Smith seems kind of moody, but most importantly, will she accept them? This book is a great example of the lives and experiences of children in WW2. I recommend this book for people who like fiction books set during war times, and for readers starting to get into historical fiction. (James. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I would recommend reading this book because it has a good story line. Its genre is Historical fiction. Ada and her brother Jamie, are currently in World War II. They both flee to another city and live with a person who takes care of them. What I liked about this book was about her family problems and how it was solved in the end. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5