The Library Books by Susan Orleans

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 4.5/5

The Library Book by Susan Orlean is a nonfiction book about the Central Library fire in Los Angeles that happened on April 29th, 1986. Susan Orlean wrote about the past leaders of the library, she also interviewed many people who experienced the fire and she wrote other historical information as well that connects to the library. The Library Book was an interesting and pretty complicated book to read in my opinion. There were many new vocabularies that I did not know and that affected my understanding of the book. I would recommend this book to people who are interested in the history of The Central Library fire, and also about other histories/events that connect with the Library Fire. There is no specific age range that can read this book but it may be hard for younger people to understand. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 5/5

The Library Book by Susan Orlean is an informational book mainly about the 1986 Los Angeles Central Library fire. I liked this book because it had an interesting structure. The chapters rotated between chapters about the public library system, the experience at the library, and the suspected arsonist. Another reason I liked this book was the fact that it contained hard vocabulary, the book always made me search for the definitions of the words I found, and as a result, my vocabulary has expanded. One thing bad about the book though it was a bit hard to read because of the size of the text. Something I found interesting about this book is that it included a lot of information about life in LA and norms in the Central Library. I highly recommend this book to people who like to know more about libraries and people who like to read long books. This book is probably more of a book for adults as this book is quite long. Overall, The Library Book has earned its name, it is probably the best non-fiction book I have read and the best book I have read during the reading challenge. (James. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 4/5