The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

7 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2.3/5

The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a book by Mitch album that follows the death and afterlife of a man named Eddie. Although I chose realistic fiction for this books genre since it is the most fitting out of the options and the events that happen while Eddie is in heaven are realistic, it does happen in heaven so it depends on what you believe in. Eddie has a very plain and simple life, until one day, an accident happens at the pier he works at, and Eddie passes away. But that is not where his story ends, in fact that is where it really begins. Eddie goes through five stages of heaven. In each, he meets someone who had an important but almost unknown impact. Every person he meets teaches him an important lesson so that he can understand his life before moving on. I enjoyed this book because I think it was an interesting concept and plot, and makes you think about who you would meet. (Justine, Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book "the five people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom tells a story about a man who has lived 83 years of his life working as a park ride mechanic. He dies one day saving the little girl from the falling cart, and arrives in a place called "heaven" there he meets 5 people who teaches him life values. These 5 important people he meets are the people whom he met on Earth before he died. Each and every one of the stories were exciting to read as it also tells the time where he met those people and what the plot was, and how they died because of him. I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend this book,, as it has its ups and downs with stories of his life from when he was young till the age 83. The genre of this book would be adventure as he had an adventurous time up in heaven visiting each of the five people. (Ellery, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

The Five People You meet in Heaven was written by Mitch Albom. After some research, I found that the official genre of this book is either philosophical fiction or phycological fiction, but, I put realistic fiction as the genre here because it fits into my perspective of the book's genre. As a person who doesn't enjoy reading that much, I really enjoyed this book! The storyline was very interesting and made me intrigued and curious to find out what would happen next. I really recommend this book as it is not that hard to read, includes a good level of vocabulary, and is very suspenseful as there were several plot twists which I enjoyed very much. If you enjoy plot twists, suspense, and a story based on interesting sets timelines, this is definitely a book for you. (Zaria, Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

‘The five people you meet in heaven' by Mitch Albom was a great book and it fits perfectly in realistic fiction. The book follows the life and death of a maintenance man named Eddie who worked as an amusement park maintenance worker. Eddie was killed and sent to heaven, where he starts to encounter five people who had a significant impact upon him while he was alive. I liked how each of the 5 people was connected in different ways, some surprising. The style grabs you. I thought it was an excellent introduction to learning more about this author's writing. It was touching because the book gave me a lot of emotions such as heartbreaking and heartwarming. If you are interested in mystery but also realistic fiction I would recommend this book. (Maia, Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is a book about a park ride mechanic named Eddie. On his eighty-third birthday in Ruby Pier, Eddie dies trying to save a girl who was in a dangerous situation. Eddie goes to heaven and feels like a child again, running around freely. He then meets five different people who were important to him during his time on Earth. His meetings with all of the five people are very touching and important for the main character, mostly reminding him of his lifetime. I recommend this book to the ones who are interested in adventure and philosophical fiction. All endings are also beginnings. (Ahyun, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom was the book I read. This novel is a combination of Realistic Fiction and Adventure that follows the life and death of an amusement park ride mechanic named Eddie. He is killed in an accident and he goes to heaven and meets five people who played an important role to him when he was alive. I enjoyed reading this book because it was very touching yet suspenseful. What I found most intriguing was the unique storyline as I hadn’t read anything like that before. I did wish though that the writer had given more information about what Eddie did after he met the five characters that impacted his life as it felt somewhat unresolved. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend it if you also enjoy a story that is somewhat mysterious and deals with sad subject matter. (Seoyeon, Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

I read the book 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. This is a great realistic fiction novel with a very intriguing story. The main character is an old man named Eddie who works as an amusement park maintenance worker. There is an accident and he dies trying to save a girl who falls from a roller coaster. He goes to heaven and meets 5 people and learns a lesson from each of them which is very meaningful not only to him and also for us, the readers. If you start to read this book you are going to be curious about what happens next and how the story ends. Overall, this was really great and I would strongly recommend this book to everyone especially those who like touching stories. (Sebin, Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5