The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time by Sherman Alexie

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2.5/5

The book I was reading was called The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. This book was very great as it is about an Indian boy going to school with kids completely different to him and the Indian boy has to go through things in this school. The book in my opinion was great as it tolled a lot about the struggles a new kid could go through. I like this book because it was interesting and fun to read. I think that the vocabulary isn't very difficult for me in my opinion. Overall it was a great book to read, the vocabulary wasn't difficult and the story was interesting.. (Jackson. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

At first I thought this book would be some generic story about somebody's struggles and hardships through school. As I read the book I started to understand it was portraying a big message and moral. It is about a poor Indian reservation kid who was born with a damaged brain going through the hardships of being an Indian in America. He wants to leave the tribe and reservation and pursue his dream of not following the norms of Indians which is not leaving their tribe and grow up drinking and end up being killed. He has to experience sacrifice, death, racism, and his own deficiencies. I really enjoyed this book because it talks about a very deep and realistic issue in a funny comedic manner but also makes you feel like you are going through what the protagonist is experiencing and feeling. It gives you this perspective of someone from the outside looking in, from the eyes of a poor and pathetic Indian boy trying to find a way out of the slums of his reservation and tribe. Also it is very common for people to act like issues like this don’t exist but they really do so I would encourage people to read the book. (Oliver. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5