Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

4 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Shatter me by Tahereh Mafi is a book about a girl called Juliette, who is locked in a chamber in an asylum because she accidentally murdered an innocent boy with her touch. She has a gift, her touch is abnormal, dangerous and unique. One day, she gets a cellmate, Adam. She feels something deep inside, that she knows she has seen this person before. He tells her all about the Reestablishment, how they are ruining cultures and diversity outside the asylum. The head of an army who held her captive comes to meet her, Warner. He wants to use her as a weapon to threaten people to obey them, discard all the beauty of diversity and make them into one. Juliette and Adam run away from Warner to a safe place, but again, the army attacks. The genre of this book is romance, science fiction and action. I recommend this book to people who are interested in their relationship and where they run away to. (Ahyun, Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Shatter me by Tahereh Mafi is about a 17 year old girl who is locked in an asylum because of an accident that resulted in a little boy dying. She is not normal... her touch can kill. Every day is the same for her, staring out the window, terrible food, and sleeping on thin mattresses. Until one day, she gets a roommate.. That is only the beginning. She is brought out of the asylum to meet Warner, but Warner has very different intentions for her ability than to not use them... I liked this book, I think it best fits into the category of action. (though it does have a bit of romance). (Malena. Grade 8)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Juliette is held captive, locked in a cell by The Reestablishment. One day her cellmate arrived, she never had a cellmate because she has a gift, to kill people with her hands. She was brought to the leader of the Army and was threatened to do everything. She escapes from the Army with Adam, whom she adapted her feelings for, and stayed in his house, but soon the Army comes again. They are currently staying in a secret base now preparing for war. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it. What I really enjoyed from this book was how everything changes in her life when she meets Adam who suddenly comes into her cell and her whole life changes since then. My guess about the genre of "Shatter Me" by Tahereh Mafi is Fantasy. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Juliette is a 17 year old girl. She has been put in an asylum for the accidental killing of a small boy. Juliette's touch is lethal, it can kill. After 264 days of being locked in the asylum with no human interaction, Juliette is taken out. She is expected to help Warner, the son of the head of The Reestablishment. The Reestablishment is the organization that now runs the world. They promised to help people, since humans had ruined the planet, but now they have become the enemy. She meets Adam, one of Warner's soldiers, and they want to escape together. (Justine. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5