Saltwater Secrets by Cindy Callaghan

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

"Saltwater Secrets" by Cindy Callaghan is about the summer of the two sisters, Stella and Josie who are living separately, with each one of their divorced parents. They decided to keep their tradition the same every summer, but this year was different because the ice world was gone and replaced with a new smoothie factory and their box of special things was gone from the hiding spot under the floorboards. Josie suspects that there was something fishy with the new smoothie store. They started an investigation and it led to a conclusion, the smoothie store was causing damage to the town's pier and the environment.I will recommend this book to girls only and ages between 11-13 because of the plot of the story. I didn’t really enjoy this book as the story didn’t really make sense for me. I think that this book has different genres in Mystery, Adventure and a little bit of Romance.

(Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book "Saltwater Secrets" by Cindy Callaghan was a pretty good book. It tells the story of Stella and Josie, two sisters that are living separately, each one with one of their divorced parents, and who meet up during summers. However, this year is different. For starters, their favorite ice cream shop has been torn down and replaced with a new smoothie factory. Josie quickly suspects there is something fishy about the smoothie factory. After some investigation, the two sisters come to the conclusion that the smoothie factory is actually causing great damage to the town's pier and to the environment. Will their actions of trying to do good get them in trouble ? This was a good and exciting book. I enjoyed it because it is thrilling and has a nice mix of different genres, (ie adventure, mystery, romance etc). I would mostly recommend this book for people around the age of 11 -13 because I felt it was mostly targeted for that age. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5