Mission Survival: Way of the Wolf by Bear Grylls

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book, Mission Survival: Way of the Wolf by Bear Grylls is an adventure story about a plane crash in the frozen wilderness. The book is set in Alaska and the main characters have to find help by hiking across a mountain range. This book follows the typical narrative of an adventure story in which the protagonist is given a problem that they have to overcome; in this case, look for help. As they travel, the narrator describes how you could survive in the circumstances of the story. I enjoyed reading this book, as it was interesting how the main character had to overcome the difficulties of surviving in the wilderness. This book was quite slow-paced at times so it made me quite impatient as I read it. Still, what made me keep wanting to continue was how it was extremely suspenseful. Because it was so slow-paced, it seemed to enhance the suspense of the story. Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to people who like suspenseful, slow-paced adventure genre novels. (Seoyeon. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Mission Survival: Way of the Wolf by Bear Grylls is about surviving is freezing conditions in the mountains. It is based on a real story. I really enjoyed it as it is very exciting with lots of suspense and near death situations. When Beck, Tankini and Uncle Al survive a plane crash, Beck and Tankini have to go find help for Uncle Al how has gotten injured. They travel for many days over rivers crossing a huge mountain to get to civilization. They have to learn how to survive and adapt in these hard conditions in order to remain alive feeding on berries, mushrooms, raw fish, bugs and dead carcasses. Through this journey they encounter many extreme situations like getting attacked by a bear, falling in a frozen river or sliding down a waterfall. I think this book is suitable for any age. Apart from being interesting and exciting, it is also very informative and gives you real tricks on how to survive in the wild. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5