The Lost Girl by Anne Ursu

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Lost Girl by Anne Ursu is about these two girls, who were born as twins, their names are Iris and Lark. The book is narrated by somebody else, rather than first person. A new shop opened in their neighbourhood, called "Treasure Hunt" here is the shop full of antiques of all sorts of things. Ever since the new shop came, Lark's belongings kept disappearing, these things worried Iris much. When the truth unravels slowly, it becomes something very dangerous... I wouldn't really recommend this book to anyone, because the storyline was really boring and it was kind of hard concentrating on reading it. I think that the genre of this story is realistic fiction, as the life of the two twins could be compared to our life, there is magic included in the book but I do not think that is part of the realistic fiction. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

This book is about two twin sisters who get separated in classes for the first time. It tells all the adventures they have and how they are always there for each other no matter what. I really liked it and I would recommend it for students older than 10 years old as it might be a bit too complicated to follow for younger ages. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5