Josh Baxter: Levels Up by Gavin Brown

9 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Josh Baxter Levels Up by Gavin Brown. This book is about a kid called Josh baxter and how he start in a new school after moving. This book is adventure. I really enjoyed this book because he is a gamer and I am too. I think that it also taught me something from how to act at school or anywhere else, learning from what the different characters would act in a game. I would recommend it to people who like playing Nintendo games or also play different games. This book was great overall and I think that anyone who read it would also like it a lot. Overall it's a good book that I would recommend if you like gaming . (Keelmoris. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Josh Baxter: Levels Up by Gavin Brown is about a boy named Josh Baxter and how he deals with starting in a new school after moving. This book is in the genre of realistic fiction with how he adjusts to everything new. I enjoyed the story but it felt simplistic and a little short. I felt it could of been longer but it was still good. The story and character could be relatable and that made me enjoy the story more. Overall it's a good book that I would recommend if you like gaming or want a not so challenging read. (Ashton. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Ok so i read the book called Josh Baxter Levels up. This book is fun,exciting and When i started reading it it was very boring. After I read a couple of pages the book was super exciting.It talks about a Boy called Josh Baxter who is interested in gaming and I am too, he wanted to" make it out alive from school ". Especially gamers would enjoy this book alot because this book revolves mostly around gaming.Mittens the bully of the school hated Josh and was not trying to let him have a peaceful year. (Rudra. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

The book revolves around a boy named; Josh Baxter. Josh moves into his third new school in 2 years and has problems trying to "make it out alive". When being in a bad situation, him being the nerdy-gamer kid, comes up with thoughts/scenarios about what his superheroes would do in this situation. As time passes, he tries to get his work done by using a game-like method to get his games back, for the upcoming Decathlon. (Stella. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

This book seemed quite popular and the overall opinion of this book was quite positive, for that reason I wanted to read it. Personally I found the story quite lackluster and a bit forgettable. I did not overly enjoy the book but did not dislike it, the book is very much in the middle in terms of enjoyability. I did not enjoy the plot of the story because in a nutshell it is just a normal person overcoming a non fictional issue but they try to format it in a way so it's like a video game which to me feels weirdly cliché. Apart from my main point of not overly enjoying it, I did find some components of the story good, for example I did like most of the characters and their different traits. I also feel this story can be quite relatable to people which makes it better. My conclusion of the book is that if you enjoy video games you might enjoy this book but if not I would not recommend it. (Oliver. Grade 7)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book I read was called Josh Baxter Levels Up, by Gavin Brown. This book is very interesting as it says characters that I know about, since I play those games and I know who those characters were. I really enjoyed this book because he is a gamer and I am too. I think that it also taught me something from how to act at school or anywhere else, learning from what the different characters would act in a game. I would recommend it to people who like playing Nintendo games or also play different games. This book was great overall and I think that anyone who read it would also like it a lot. (Jackson. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

This book is about a boy named Josh Baxter who has had to change schools a lot in 2 years. Mittens the school bully is not going to let him have a good year. But at the end he got through school using his video game skills. This is a good book and I would recommend it to anyone, especially gamers. (Alex. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Josh Baxter levels up by Gavin Brown is a story about a boy who moves to a new school and the adventure and problems he goes through. But the bully mittens will not give him an easy year. This book is only 177 pages long so it is a short, fun quick read. I went through this book in a day and enjoyed it. I would recommend it to people who like video games and realistic fiction. (Monty. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

This book was a good book. A book that when you start reading it, you won't be able to stop until you finished it, I liked this book a lot because it was funny. This book is all about Josh Baxter, he just moved to a new school, he makes enemies and there is this final challenge at the end of the book (sorry no spoilers) that really glues you to what is happening in the book. Though this book is fun, it doesn't have very much detail in what is going on, and if you want more challenging vocabulary, this book is not great for you. (James. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5