Horizon by Scott Westerfeld

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1.75/5

This is an interesting and exciting book. Over all I really enjoyed it and would recommend it. It is about how a plane crashes and a group of friend get left in this weird alien jungle with a device that can reverse gravity and do other thing. It was very exiting and ended the book with a big hook to make you want to read the next one. Over all I really enjoyed it and strongly recommend it. (Nina. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book had a very interesting story which was about 3 friends trying to survive a plane crash in Antarctica. The genre of the book was an adventure there was some point that they help each other to survive in a poor condition which was very interesting. I would like to recommend this book to people who likes to read adventure book. There were some words that were hard to understand for me but most of them were easy. (Sebin. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read was Horizon. I enjoyed reading it and would love to read the next book of this series. It was super interesting and once I kept reading it was really hard to stop. It was about a plane crash in the arctic and there were eight survivors expecting to see ice and snow but instead, they find a jungle. It was interesting to read how they survived in the jungle with all the strange and mysterious creatures lurking. There were only one or two words that I didn't know, so I would recommend this book to anyone. I think the book has an adventure genre so if you are looking for an adventure genre book that isn't too hard, I recommend this book. (Seoyeon. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5