Hello Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1.5/5

This book is about a very shy kid called Virgil. When he does not show up to an appointment with his therapist, this starts to get worried. In this story the lives of four very different kids unexpectedly intertwine to create a really good story. I really liked this book and found it exciting. (Nina, Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read was Hello Universe. It is about a boy named Virgil who is very shy and is afraid to speak up. The book is told from four different perspectives of middle scholars and they don't all go to the same school. When one of the characters pulls a prank, the lives of these four middle scholars collide unexpectedly. I enjoyed reading this book because I enjoyed how I could empathize with four different perspectives. I did not have a boring time when reading the book and it was really fun. I couldn't stop reading it as I kept on wondering what would happen next. The vocabulary of the book was not hard with almost no words I did not know. I liked this book because of the meaningful story. Overall I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend this book to anybody. (Seoyeon, Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5