Girl Code by Andrea Gonzales, Sophie Houser

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Girl Code by Andrea Gonzales and Sophie Houser is a non-fiction book. This book tells the story of the two girls, Andrea and Sophie on their journey from being high school girls into programmers. They both met in a program where they only teach girls how to code, this program is called "Girls Who Code". Andrea and Sophie were assigned to create a game in a week, they both met as they wanted to create a program about the menstruation taboo. The game they created then became a very popular game and was played worldwide. I would recommend this book towards people who want to learn coding and who are curious towards coding or programming. This book should only be appropriate for girls, as most of the things mentioned inside the book is not appropriate for boys. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Girl Code by Andrea Gonzales and Sophie Houser is a book about the authors’ journey of creating a game from ordinary high school girls to programmers of a game. They were very introverted high school girls and didn't know anything about coding or programming. The two met in a program where girls are given the opportunity to code. On an upcoming project, they chose to create a game where they fight taboos of the menstruation cycle. The game they created has been a great success and it changed the views of their future. The genre of this book is Nonfiction since they are talking about their experiences with programming and coding. I recommend this book to people who are curious about coding and the lives of programmers. This book is also recommended for girls and boys who are mature enough. (Ahyun. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5