Feed by M.T. Anderson

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 2.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2.5/5

Feed by M.T Anderson is a book that takes place in the future, where everyone has chips implanted into their brains since they are a baby. These chips are connected to every part of the brain, and are a direct access to the internet and everything around them. The feed is connected to the brain, and keeps track of every purchase and things you like, to give you more suggestions about products you might like. The main character goes on the moon with his friends for the spring break. There, he meets a girl. He notices that she is different. She doesn't really talk or act like everybody else. They start getting to know eachother, and go to a party together (still on the moon). But, a hacker breaks their feeds, and they have to stay in the hospital for a while. Eventually get them back, but Violet's feed is working differently. Something is wrong with it... I think that there were some interesting concepts in this book, since it talks about what the future could be like. There is a little bit of swearing in this book. I would recommend it to someone who would want to see what the future could be like, although that is not the main plot. (Justine. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

I read the science fiction novel ‘Feed’ by Matthew Tobin Anderson. I didn’t really enjoy the book because there were a lot of swear words and because English is my second language I found it a bit shocking. However, the story is about a future where everyone has chips in their brains that track everything they do and that idea was really interesting - especially since nowadays our phones track everything we do. So this storyline seems possible in the future. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to a younger audience or to someone who is sensitive to reading curse words but if you enjoy science fiction then you might like it. (Sebin. Grade 8)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5