Crossover by Kwame Alexander

2 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2.5/5

Crossover by Alexander Kwame is a creative and different kind of book than other kinds of books in a library, it has a unique style of format that I think some people would like. I like this story because it has a creative format that is not paragraphs, but short bursts on sentances on each line so it's easier to read. It is about a teenager named Josh who is trying to win the county basketball league, there is an interesting twist at the end though. I recommend this book to anyone who likes basketball because there are a lot of basketball terms and slang in this book. I blasted through this book in 1 and 1/2 hours so I don't recommend it to people who like long books but it is a great book regardless. (James. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

This book was alright I would say towards the second half of the book it started becoming boring and the storyline seems a bit all over the place. I understood all the references and things they were talking about in the book but I would say you have to know quite a bit about basketball and also know N.B.A players and things like that to fully understand the book and enjoy it so I would definitely not recommend this book to someone not knowing much about basketball. I would say the vocabulary is overall quite easy but once in a while there is a very difficult word but I did not put the difficulty harder because it gives you a full definition of the word. My overall consensus is it was not that eventful and I never felt like the climax did not actually occur and it was a bit underwhelming and the ending felt rushed and overall it was just a bit bland and the storyline was being stretched out a bit too long. So I would not recommend this book unless you enjoy basketball and reading poetry. (Oliver. Grade 7)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5