Counting By 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Counting by 7s is a book about a girl called Willow Chance. She is unique and a genius. Evertything interests her but plants and medical diagnosis/conditions interests her more than others. One day, she is informed that her parents died in a car accident. The world she knew with her loving parents has fallen apart. She tries to find a new way to put herself back to her normal life. It was kind of boring because the author explained her thoughts with physics and theorically. I would recommend this to the ones who are interested in chances and problem solving. (Ahyun. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

I read ' Counting by Seven' by Holly Goldberg Sloan. The genre of this book is realistic fiction. In the book the main character girl named 'Willow Chance' is a genius. She is obsessed with nature and diagnosing medical conditions. The special thing about her is that she is comforting to count by 7s. It was not easy for her to socialize with other people rather than her adaptive parents. However, it didn't made her life happy....until now. As the story gets to the ending it was really sad story. However, I didn't really liked this book because it was not my style of theme. I would like to recommend this book to readers who like to read a storyline with overcoming with the challenges. (Sebin. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Willow Chance, different, strange and a genius. She got called to the principal's office, called a cheater because she got full marks and got her counsellor, she wasn't meaning to tell her parents about it, but she couldn't anyway because they died. She got adopted temporarily by her friend (whom she met on the day her parents died) and lived happily there planting Sunflowers, helping to clean the apartment that they borrowed from her counsellor, but soon was taken away to her permanent foster parents. I won't really recommend this book because I didn't enjoy "Counting By 7s" by Holly Goldberg Sloan (the book), because the story didn't really make sense for me and it wasn't my type of book. I think that the genre of this book fits well into non-fiction. (Ellery. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5