7th Most Important by Shelley Pearsall

1 Review

Overall Rating: 3/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

13 year old boy Arthur suddenly finds himself in court for throwing a brick at an old man and nearly killing him. Looking from the outside, that is all you can see of Arthur. When getting more information, we understand that Arthur is not a criminal but an grieving son who made a bad choice. Arthur is sentenced to work for the man he threw the brick at. His job is to collect the seven most important things by walking around the neighborhood and looking through peoples trash. Things such as cardboard, light bulbs, and aluminium foil. But what are all these random scraps for? The Seventh Most Important Thing by Shelley Pearsall is a realistic fiction book meant to connect and relate to grieving teenagers. This book was not something that I particularly enjoyed reading, but it wasn't a horrible book either. Although I wouldn't recommend it, you might like this book if you are someone who likes a book that has a simple plot and story. (Justine. Grade 8)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5